You have made it impossible for us to live; therefore, shall we contemplate taking our lives?
"The man who kills a man kills a man. The man who kills himself kills all men. As far as he is concerned, he wipes out the world." -- G.K. Chesterton
Submitted by witnesses as experienced by the Palestinians in Gaza
Israel, your disregard for human life has forced countless innocent Palestinians living in Gaza to question whether life is worth living.
Just how many women and children, elderly and infirm have already died from missiles and bombs. How many have been crushed by collapsed buildings?
How many have already succumbed to hemorrhaging wounds and other life-threatening injuries.
How many more will needlessly pass away from starvation and thirst, sickness and disease?
You as a country, by forcing us to live in an open-air prison, have brought to the forefront this question: "Why is life worth living?"
Some of you actually believe we are living to kill the Jews in the world, and that that is our purpose. Hence, our campaign offering women and children a peaceful death instead of you torturing us with poisoned water and crushing us under buildings will serve to contradict any antisemitism theory you may have.
We don't now nor never wanted to kill you. Actually, we thought there was a way to live peacefully together as we did before the 1933 to 1948 time frame, but you have made it clear there is no peaceful way " " " so we will end our lives and wish you the best.
Really, what else can we do?
Not only have you made it impossible to live any kind of a normal life, you have turned every single day into an agonizing trial and tribulation. Here in Gaza our homes and businesses have been wiped out.
With no place to go and virtually no resources due to our forced exodus, there is not even a livelihood in front of us. So, why should we even go on living?
Please, for just a moment, try to put yourselves in our shoes.
Please, imagine what life is like today, and for the foreseeable future, for each family from devastated Gaza. Not only has the present brought us unbearable loss and grief, the years ahead portend even more pain and suffering.
In light of the continual bombardment of our cities and towns, dwellings and shops, how could we ever live here again with any degree of comfort or peace of mind. It seems that this ever-worsening situation has only created such a no-win predicament for us, the people of Palestine. Especially for so many women and children who have been forever traumatized by this unrelenting invasion is there very little hope.
'Can you hear the screams?'
Perhaps it's time for all of us to leave this lifetime on our own terms before it's violently ended for us.
Dear Israel: At this point it appears you would be quite happy if we all left this planet in a group act of self-immolation. But please tell us it isn't so by your immediate agreement to a durable cease-fire. The many severely wounded and dying in Gaza would very much appreciate such an act of humanity.