Washington, DC | June 30, 2009 | www.adc.org | The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) condemns the Israeli naval commandeering of a ship carrying humanitarian supplies to the besieged territory of Gaza. The ship, which left from the Cypirot port of Larnaca, was approximately 20 miles off the coast of Gaza when it was boarded by Israeli Navy personnel and redirected to the city of Ashdod.
The ship was flying a Greek flag and traveled through international waters but was stopped during their approach to the occupied Gaza Strip. The "Spirit of Humanity" is crewed by a number of humanitarian activists from across the globe including former Congresswoman Cynthia Mckinney and Nobel Laureate Mairead Maguire. Reports indicate that all of the ship's 21 crew members have been taken into custody by Israel.
The siege of the Gaza Strip has continued unabated for over two years and badly needed reconstruction aid has been prevented from entering the Strip after the 22-day war on Gaza this past winter. Recently, President Obama called for humanitarian supplies to be permitted to enter the Gaza Strip and a number of members of Congress have traveled to the Strip and remarked on the dire circumstances facing the impoverished civilian population.
ADC echoes the calls of President Obama and others who have called for an end to the inhumane siege of the Gaza Strip, the immediate release of the human rights activists who were aboard the ship, and stern repercussions for the flagrant and continuing Israeli violations of international law.
You can take a moment to send a note to your member of Congress and President Obama demanding the release of the crew members of the "Spirit of Humanity" and an end to the siege by clicking here: Tell Your Representatives to End the Siege of Gaza Now!