Adnan Oktar is an Islamic religious teacher known for his opposition to Marxism and Darwinism, his anti-materialistic philosophy, and his belief in the unique status of Muhammad as a prophet of truth and of the Quran as its revelation. His recent comments about Muhammad ElBaradei, Nobel Peace Laureate, former Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, and rumored candidate for appointment as prime minister in Egypt's new government, have drawn considerable comment in that country.
According to Oktar, ElBaradei told The New York Times that he had made a great effort to convince Western countries that it was essential to oust President Morsi by force, and that he had asked for help from the West to rally the masses and the military junta to overthrow the Morsi government. ElBaradei also advocated detaining leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood and closing Egypt's Islamic TV channels, saying, "The security forces are very concerned. There is an earthquake and we need to keep these quakes under control."
In commenting on ElBaradei's statements, Oktar asserted that ElBaradei had not approached the crisis in his country with a rational attitude.
"He encourages savagery," Oktar said. "If vulgarity is encouraged, the one encouraging it is also ruined. If you attempt to set people straight with weapons, that environment you form will also give harm to you. The issue must be settled not by savagery but by negotiations.
"ElBaradei's calling the West for a coup is a historical flaw. He must come to his senses and make up for his flaw before it is too late."
Oktar went on to suggest that, although ElBaradei is a Nobel Peace Laureate, he was probably well prepared by the West years earlier for a contrary political role. The Peace Prize was intended to give him an aura of respectability to cover nefarious purposes. It was a matter of preparing the man first, then presenting him in an acceptable guise.
Without such a preparation, Oktar surmised, "Would one ever say, 'Come and make a coup in my homeland'? What happened to your position as a Peace Envoy? The Nobel Peace Award? This is unacceptable. This is simply deceiving the Islamic world. There is no explanation for encouraging foreign forces to make an invasion.
"ElBaradei will be living with this shame until the end of his life. He has put a great stain on his face; he ruined himself. He has revealed that he
Adnan Oktar by Global YayÄ ±ncÄ ±lÄ ±k
has been getting prepared for this for years. It has become apparent that the Nobel Peace Prize was given to him artificially to present him as respectable and that this has been a plot. His attitude has nothing to do with peace. He must simply stop being unscrupulous.
"Rather than making a call for a coup he must engage in negotiations. The people of Egypt must have whoever they want as a leader; what is important is the good of Egypt. Why do you encourage a coup although you are aware that there will be bloodshed."
[Adnan Oktar, A9 TV, July 6, 2013.]