Last week Sanders supporters attacked Trump supporters outside of a rally. This is precisely what Trump wants. This is what this country will progressively devolve into if Hillary or Trump is elected. The Right's contempt for Hillary is very, very strong. The Left's contempt for Trump is very, very strong. Sanders supporters will be despondent and, as last week's event showed, possibly violent if Bernie is not elected. But, if Sanders supporters attacking folks is scary just wait and see what happens if Trump is not elected and Hillary is the new President.
The Trumpian horde has been trained, armed and built very effectively over the past thirty-plus years. Hillary Clinton has been an evil enemy of the Right for the past twenty-five years. If you are tired of hearing the n-word in reference to our current President, get ready, if Hillary wins -- you will soon be very sick of hearing the c-word. Political gridlock has shut down good governance over the past eight years -- how do you think things are going to go with the Mrs. Bengazi, "Bill's Wife" at the helm?
Hillary Clinton is the worst, most destructive candidate that could possibly run and or win against Donald Trump. Rush Limbaugh et al. have been deconstructing and demonizing her and her husband since their days in Arkansas. And, she has since built her own particular oeuvre to hate as Secretary of State. Clinton brings loads and loads of conspiracy theory baggage with her. She and Trump are a perfect,dysfunctional and disastrous political yin and yang.
Donald Trump could not have conjured up or paid for a better opponent. Most Trump Supporters didn't even know who Sanders was until recently. Hillary has been "evil" for a quarter of a century. In my opinion the continued Hillary candidacy exposes the duplicity and absolute incompetence of the Democratic Party.
Trump wants civil unrest, as did Adolf Hitler -- this is the playground of strong men, despots and fascists. Trump wants civil unrest whether he wins or loses. Is Hillary in such a dense bubble of privilege and politics that she is oblivious to the dangers ahead her candidacy engenders? Or is this really ultimately simply about Power?
It's amazing how brazenly and wantonly Trump and Clinton expose the Presidential circus as an aesthetically foul power grab; absolutely inimical to the soul, future and tranquility of this country.
With Hillary as the candidate, real issues that should be addressed during a campaign will be totally absent. This will become an even grander presidential reality show. Trump will ramp up the ad hominem attacks and Hillary will spend her time smirking and making glib, worthless rejoinders. The wounds and fireworks will increase exponentially. The armies will be worked up to a fever pitch. The generals will no longer have control of the troops they have enlisted.
Another very disturbing inevitability of a Trump loss to Hillary is the psycho-religious response. Many of the Trumpists are religious crusaders bound for The Plains of Meggido -- Hillary and Bill are devils and deserve to be smited.
By contrast, Bernie is a Jew and his relatives are the owners of the end times amusement park.
A Bernie Sanders Presidency would not only be a positive step forward for the country -- it may possibly ward off civil and political disaster. Cynically and practically, in spite of everything I've said above, I have to say that Hillary would make a great running mate and a good Vice-President considering this particular moment in history.
If the Democratic Party truly wants to move the country forward, energize its base, get more Democrats elected to Congress and state offices, and effectively govern -- a Sanders/Clinton ticket is the thing at this time in history. If Hillary really loves her country she would be calling Bernie tonight and offering her services. However, I bet Bill has no intention of living at Number One Observatory Circle.
""he who seeks to deceive will always find someone who will allow himself to be deceived."
" Niccolà ² Machiavelli, The Prince