Is Organized Pedophilia Behind
the Anti-Abortion Movement? Part 2 (of 2)
(The Blatant Pedophilia Behind
the Anti-Abortion Movement)
If any one of our governors should
declare a state of emergency against online pedophilia epidemic, we should not
be surprised to find our highest ranking members of society involved in
pedophilia crimes. In their news feed, regularly posts links covering actions by pedophilia-friendly government officials as they occur (their latest one is about a democrat who voted against prohibiting child abusers from contacting their victims: click here) which should be enough of a sign, by itself, that something is clearly
corrupt inside our government. And since Obama has closed the investigation on
the criminal bankers who destroyed the world's economy (source-,
allowing them to walk off with $32 trillion in offshore accounts (source-,
while more and more people throughout the world are falling into extreme
poverty, it becomes less and less of a mystery as to who can afford to pay the
billions that keeps the online pedophilia industry going, unhindered by law
It is probably no accident that
the strongest voices of the anti-abortion movement are the world's most
organized and powerful pedophiles --the exposed Catholic hierarchy and the
exposed GOP --though not as widely publicized by the media (despite the
overwhelming evidence offered by Ted Gunderson, and in books by former Senator
John DeCamp in 1996 and Nick Bryant in 2009 -see It was not that
long ago when no one would've believed any victim of pedophilia, and any victim
who dared to report it went through hell, especially if the pedophile was a
high ranking pillar of society like a Catholic priest. Mercifully, victim
testimony about pedophilia, at least in the Catholic church, is no longer
doubted, and reported on regularly in the media.
Through regular media exposure,
it has also become public knowledge that the pedophile's preferred victims are
disadvantaged children. And as more reports come out about "upstanding
citizens" engaging in pedophilia crimes, like the recent Sandusky trial and all
the Oprah Winfrey shows on the subject, it is now generally accepted that
children do not lie about being sexually abused and are incapable of inventing
such horrific sex abuse stories. But if the pedophile is a Satanist, or a high
ranking member of the GOP, media reaction to victim testimony returns to the
Dark Ages. Even in their adulthood, victim's testimonies of satanic pedophilia
continue to be ridiculed and shunned by the media to this day.
In the 80's, the media decided
from the start that everyone involved in the McMartin Preschool case was lying
except for the accused. In a nutshell, even with documented evidence of
bleeding rectums, vaginal and rectal scarring, painful bowel movements, and the
"anal wick reflex' associated with violent penetration, as well the team of
archaeologists who found the tunnels exactly the way the victims described them
the case was never taken seriously by the media. And the victims, along with
everyone who tried to help the victims, were all met with intense ridicule and
intimidation from the media (source-
But what the media accepted without question in the McMartin Preschool case,
were the arguments from the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, despite the fact
that its founding advisor was quoted in a Dutch pedophilia magazine (source-,
describing pedophilia as "an acceptable expression of God's will for love." Since the 1980's, media ownership has shrunk
from 50 corporations down to a handful of corporations today (source-
These people (or the 1%) own the media and they clearly, also own the
anti-abortion movement - judging by their blatant preference for politicians who
are against abortion rights. So, rampant pedophilia in the GOP is almost
impossible to expose to the public.
A completed documentary film
about rampant pedophilia in the GOP was about to air on the Discovery Channel
in 1993 (the full-length "Conspiracy of Silence' documentary is available at-,
but was pulled at the last moment. Even with 16 years experience as a Senator
of Nebraska, John DeCamp felt useless as he found himself in the middle of an
unfolding massive pedophilia scandal in Omaha Nebraska, "The Franklin
Cover-Up,' involving the highest ranking members of the GOP. He did everything
he could to help the victims bring the pedophiles to justice, but with all the
unsolved murders of everyone around him who were also working to help the
victims, as well as all the death threats he received himself, he had to
conclude that it was bigger problem than he could handle: "It is too big. I am
too small. They are too rich and powerful, and go up high in business and
government, for me to touch them or do anything about it." (source- or The Franklin
Cover-Up by John DeCamp, last updated in 2005).
Instead of conducting an
investigation, the FBI told the Franklin Scandal victims to recant their
testimonies or members of their families would be killed. Only two witnesses
did not recant, Paul Bonacci and Alisha Owen --and her younger brother
"committed suicide" under suspicious circumstances. Even though she was raped
by Omaha's Chief of police and had a child by him, Alisha Owen went to prison
and served almost 2 years in solitary confinement, while that police chief has
never been required to take a paternity test to this day (more about her in
"part 7' at
click "In-Depth Overview'). The FBI made an example out of Alisha Owen to scare
the other victims into silence, and with the help of the media, the case was
buried with no convictions. Years later, Nick Bryant, who also reported
receiving death threats while conducting his research, interviewed as many of
the surviving victims as he could find. The witnesses, in both DeCamp's and
Bryant's books, testified that Larry King (not the white Larry King on TV) was
a pimp for pedophiles, who threw lavish parties for the GOP and raided
orphanages to procure victims for the GOP pedophiles. To this day Larry King
has not been convicted for pedophilia crimes. (sources- The Franklin Cover-Up
by John DeCamp 1996, The Franklin Scandal by Nick Bryant 2009,, and
The evidence compiled by John
DeCamp and Nick Bryant of rampant pedophilia in the GOP is overwhelming. But
with all the unsolved murders of key witnesses and death threats to people who
tried to help expose GOP pedophilia, the cover-up so far has been more vicious
and powerful. The surviving adult victims are still waiting to be heard, and
although Nick Bryant took their testimonies to every major media outlet he
could (including Oprah Winfrey), to at least get their testimonies out to the
public, he was rejected every time. The 'Joe Paternos,' or Judas', are everywhere in the
upper echelons of the media.
This refusal of the media to
let the public know about overwhelming evidence of rampant pedophilia in our
"highest" circles of government and financial power, is no different throughout
the rest of the world. To name one example, an expose about the Holly Grieg
pedophilia scandal in Scotland was about to air on Scotland's national TV and
it too was pulled at the last moment (every detail of this case and its
subsequent cover-up is beautifully explained by Robert Green in this video- "and then there's Bill Maloney's
unconventional video documentary about Jersey Island"). The examples listed so
far are but tiny puzzle pieces to a massively big picture. Anyone learning
about this for the first time can be forgiven for not wanting to believe it,
but are encouraged to do their own investigation to further understand how powerfully
organized and vastly worldwide these pedophiles are- the recent Forbes article-,
as well as the website for the child protection lobbying group , are good places to start.
With all the mysteriously well-funded
anti-abortion "clinics" popping up everywhere (source- www.prochoiceamerica/media/fact-sheets/abortion-cpcs.pdf),
contrasted with everything else that is facing cuts in funding,
we can no longer afford to leave the link between organized pedophilia and the
anti-abortion movement ignored and uninvestigated, while they loudly proclaim
themselves as "pro-life" Christians. The self-proclaimed "Christians" involved
with the anti-abortion movement would do well to remember, that when Jesus
said, "You will know them by their fruits/deeds" it was not a polite suggestion,
it was a command (Matt 7:15-16). We have become so accustomed to claims of
God's will, made by the anti-abortion movement that we have failed to notice
that their silence on the most heinous cruelty to children, this ongoing
pedophilia epidemic, cannot be called God's will, Satan's will perhaps, but not
Poverty creates more
disadvantaged children for pedophiles to exploit, and the recently leaked
exposure of Obama's top secret Trans-Pacific Partnership is a most frightening
piece of legislation that creates more poverty by striking down all people's
laws, in all nations, which interfere with the plans of the 1% (sources-
Currently Americans are spending $2 billion per week (source-
to commit useless and heinous atrocities against civilians in Afghanistan (source-
where record breaking numbers of returning veterans are committing suicide due
to being unable to cope with their memories (source-
Warlike activities like this, and expensive drone warfare, along with our expanding military presence all over the world (the recent example of Jeju island is particularly tragic- source-, and so much more repressive legislation, as well as government propaganda being legalized by Congress (source-, leaves very little to differentiate the USA today from Stalin's Russia, or Hitler's Germany. All of it stems from a "war on terror" justified by the government's version of events on 9/11/01 -which from day one, has been thoroughly disproven by the hard evidence offered by 1,700 architects & engineers (as well as the pilots, firefighters, scholars, and all surviving victims who heard explosions, along with many videos of explosions which the government denies occurred) and their full documentary, "AE911Truth Experts Speak Out,' can be viewed at- matter what angle you look at it from, hard scientific facts are not conspiracy theories, and a top secret government is not a democracy.
After 11 years, Architects & Engineers For 9/11 Truth
were finally allowed to present their case on public television in Colorado and
immediately made PBS's "most watched' list. Many Americans seem to think we are
exempt from the historical rule that "the bigger the lie the more likely it
will be believed,' but in the case of 9/11,
We could easily squash the 1%,
along with the pedophilia epidemic, like the little bug that it really is. But
to all of our great peril, most "progressive" media has given the platform over
to the Obama apologists who ignore that the job ahead of us is much, much
bigger than just defeating Romney, or the republicans. It is a simple truth
that you cannot defeat the 1% by supporting the 1%. And a vote for Obama is
clearly a vote for the "left" fist of the 1%, if you will. This idea of re-electing Obama is a bad idea. There comes a point in time when you have to say "this is wrong," and stop going along with it. And then do everything you can to put a stop to it, and that time is now. Otherwise, when
you make your peace with evil, you become evil.
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