It looks like that the forces of Iran have cooled down the situation on the streets of Tehran .However this is not the beginning of the End .It is just the end of a beginning.
With Iranian people's semi democratic election being stolen, each country is trying to fashion a new posture. During those days of uprising, There were a lot of Iranian verbal attacks on the UK; this was contrary to previous occasions when U.S was the main target .There is not much of a difference between the British and the American policy towards Iran, So one wonders why they were not attacking Americans as much? And why Obama was not attacking Iranian election as much? The answer is pretty simple both countries need each other to take care of the Taliban and Al-Qaida.
Politics make strange bed fellows.
Regarding Israeli fears. they are right. they are scared of Iran's intentions .however, most people who are familiar with Middle East, would agree that has more than 200 atomic war heads with a good delivery system. So their fears are not from a military nature .They do not like the change in balance of power.
Their fight with the Hezbollah recently did not have the usual out come in which Israel
Would have a clear victory. the addition of a nuclear bomb to Iran's arsenal would cause additional headaches. However, it is obvious that the ayatollahs in Iran do not have the following that they had before and an Israeli attack would help them tremendously. If the ultimate goal is to get rid of the ayatollahs menace we need to come up with better idea.