The bills in Congress that will kill organic farming and wipe out independent farming in the US - as their similar version has already wiped out 60% of Polish farmers already - are brought to you by Monsanto, Cargill and the other big meat packers, as well as surveillance companies.
I learned today about Cargill from someone how worked there. She said someone needs to blow the whistle on them.
She herself ran out of the slaughterhouse her first day there, it was so horrific, but she said you get used to it after a while.
She talked about the ones who shoot the cows in the forehead, "knockers" I think she called it. She said the cow thrashed around for awhile and wasn't dead right away. The people there had to wear helmets because of all the thrashing. She said the cows knew they were going to killed. The ones outside sounded normal but those inside sounded really different.
Someone came and with a huge hatchet, cut off their horn. Someone with a mask like Jason, she said, cut off their feet and hung them up. She herself used a 7 pound (her guess) vibrating "air knife" to down along the sides of the cows. She said she'd hit "pockets" sometimes and sh*t would blow out everywhere, covering her and everything else. She said there could be green pockets, too, along the side of the cows, filled with pus, and those cows she could smell from a long way away. She'd dip her "knife" in incredibly hot water and go on to the next cow.
She said once they cut the hide off a cow and pulled the skin back and a calf fell out on the floor. She said she worked in rubber boots, knee deep in blood every day and with blood spewing everywhere, on her, on others, on the walls.
She hurt her arm doing that work. She said Cargill used lots of illegals til they got hurt and got rid of them and would get more. She said they'd hold up about a year or two.
She said she'd like a job as a USDA inspector. She said they go through in white coats with USDA written on them, writing on clip boards, walking past all the blood and sh*t, and noticing nothing.
I told her about a rancher in Georgia who opened a private meat processing plant on his own land - and how they butcher only a dozen or so cattle a day. She said Cargill killed 1200 a day or more and if there weren't cattle waiting to go, they'd be upset. I told her about another farmer who raised grass fed cattle like Mr. Harris, and how his wife says a prayer as they leave the farm, to thank them for what they do for people's health and how her husband is proud they only have one bad day in their life (no feedlots and illnesses), She said those are good people and people ought to know how bad it is at Cargill.
Cargill wants those food safety bills. Do you really think they are suddenly interested in food safety? And if not, what is in those bills they want to so dang much that the bills are being pushed through Congress as fast and as silently as possible?
A little history while you are thinking what specifically makes our food actually safe.
A little explanation of how the bill is good for Cargill, and terrible for farmers ... and you.