A friend of mine in the indignados movement sent these new videos to me.
The Indignados movement in Spain dates from the European summer of 2011. Things aren't just simmering in Spain, they are boiling over.
Keep in mind as you watch these videos that the unemployment rate in Spain is now officially 25% and heading higher. The youth unemployment rate is twice that...and the videos are of what happens when young people have no hope, and no future. My friend is an educated, articulate, ambitious young woman. But there are no jobs in Spain for her, or half the young people in Spain.

Spain also has the highest rate of child poverty in Europe. Children grow up. They demand a better future.
What would you do?
Spain, like Greece, is somewhere between the simmering resentment of America towards the oligarchy, and the outright revolution of the Arab lands. You can decide for yourself how likely it is that America will go in their direction in the months to come.
WARNING: the following videos are graphic, disturbing and violent. It helps to speak and read Spanish, but not much:
Part 1
Part 2
And this has been going on for a while. From last July.
It's worth noting this footage could probably not have been shot in America today, where freedom of the press has been suppressed, journalist arrested, and cameras confiscated of broken. The MSM will show you none of this, and has dozens of stories on Justin Bieber instead. How long will the American mind allow itself to be pacified and made lethargic? How long until the police in Spain, or here, decide enough is enough and turn against their rulers instead of the people whom they actually have more in common with? It's when the police join the protestors that revolutions are won.