the delegates to the 2015 General Assembly began their statements
hailing the 70th Anniversary of the founding of the United Nations in
the same year 1945 that saw the end of WW II, but every single delegate
ignored the third major event of 1945, which was the first ever trial of
a nation for crimes against humanity, crimes against peace and
genocide. The Nuremberg Principles were created by the International Law
Commission of the United Nations codifying the legal principles
underlying the Nuremberg Trials of Nazi party members, and were signed
on to by all members of the UN.
strange, mysterious, unexplainable, illogical, baffling, painful for
millions facing death or worse today that no delegate called for justice
under the law, neither for them or for the tens of millions of
survivors of past mega profitable crimes against peace, crimes against
humanity and forms of genocide since the founding of the UN.
so, during the UN General Debate in 2009, when Muammar Gaddafi, Leader
of the Revolution of the Socialist Peoples Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, spoke
in the name of the African Union: "We are about to put the United Nations on trial; the old organization will be finished and a new one will emerge."
Gaddafi called for investigations into ten past wars of permanent
members of the Security Council, the US, UK and France, to be followed
by trials of those guilty of causing these wars, suffering and millions
of deaths and suffering "that has surpassed that brought by the Nazis."
contrast, during this year's General Debate, in which delegates
lamented the current deplorable condition of today's world of death and
destruction, of poverty, extreme poverty and starvation, and in a
serious tone of voice gave lip service to the usually heard plea that
everyone try harder to rectify the murderous exploitation of most of
humanity, no delegate even once called for bringing anyone or any nation
before the law.
this puzzled elderly archival research peoples historian working for
former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark, it seemed as if magically, the
delegates had had the Nuremberg Principles of international law
extirpated from their minds and from the UN Charter they often referred
to. As if German government officials and officials of other fascist
nations, who had ordered bombings, invasions and mass murderous
occupations of many nations, had never been hanged or imprisoned and
reparations adjudicated.
did delegates only decry, denounce and complain of annually planned
starvation of millions of children and the genocidal foreign policies of
the colonial powers that bring about the same kind of invasions,
bombings and murderous occupations, which Nazis had been tried and
convicted of as the United Nations was being founded? Why are these
universally signed on Nuremberg Principles of International Law never
mentioned? It is also weird that delegates seem careful to avoid using
the word 'crime,' let alone identify prosecutable crimes against
humanity or prosecutable crimes against peace in their statements.
Were any of the delegates heralding the UN Charter aware that almost immediately
the founding of a colonial powers created incipient United Nations, a
UN General Assembly with only one quarter of the members in today's UN,
that this body was pressured into self-authorizing itself pass a phony
and insane UN partition plan to cut British occupied Palestine into six
disjointed pieces, a plan never meant to be implemented but rather
intended and fully expected to torch the Holy Land into permanent civil
war and allow for the right Zionists faction heavily funded by Wall
Street to force a brave international socialist Zionist majority to
fight for their lives and at the same time be used to conquer out a
military state that would be a Western outpost in the oil rich Arab
lands. Your author has thoroughly documented [1] it as a typical British
Empire joint Anglo-American colonial crime against humanity that used
the United Nations and the unwanted survivors of a Holocaust and WW II
made possible by enormous American investment in, and joint venturing
with, a prostate Nazi Germany that built Hitler's Wehrmacht up to world
number one military in five years, all the while Hitler was making clear
his intentions to clean Europe of Jews and move against the Soviet
repeated automatically the time worn call for a Palestinian state that
the Israelis will not allow. In 2009, Gaddafi told the General Assembly,
"The two-State
solution is impossible; it is not practical. Currently, these two States
completely overlap. Partition is doomed to failure. These two States
are not neighbors; they are coextensive, in terms of both population and
geography. There are half a million Israeli settlers in the West Bank
and a million Arab Palestinians in the territory known as Israel. The
solution is therefore a democratic State without religious fanaticism or
ethnicity. Look at Palestinian and Israeli youth; they both want peace
and democracy, and they want to live under one State. This conflict
poisons the world. Arabs have no hostility or animosity towards Israel.
We are cousins and of the same race."
sixty-seven years, the same colonial powers, who forced through passage
of the frightening UN Partition Plan have kept up a murderously
deceitful pretense of trying to bring peace to Palestine and the oil
rich Middle East, and UN delegates seem to willing to play along with
it. Gaddafi did not.
Did any of the delegates expressing pride in the accomplishments of the UN remember
two to three million Koreans slain during the invasion of Korea by
American Armed Forces flying the UN flag, the UN flag painted as well on
every US Air Force bomber during years of air attack that flattened
every city and town of the entire Korean peninsula, North and South save
Pusan a US naval base?
delegates praised the work of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, did any
remember that Ban Ki-Moon often praises that US 'Police Intervention'
dutifully called for by the UN's first Secretary General, Trygve Lie,
as the Koreans of the North were sweeping away the unpopular
dictatorship the US had set up in the South, recently documented by the
present Southern government as having massacred more that 100,000 of its
own citizens in the South prior to the North reunifying Korea in five
short weeks.[2]
Six years ago Gaddafi told his fellow delegates, "Those responsible for causing the Korean War should be tried and should pay compensation and damages." Does this not sound reasonable?
many delegates spoke of the wonderful work of UN Peace Keeping
Missions, were they aware how most missions were created in the big
powers controlled Security Council to enforce brutal imperialist foreign
policies of the Anglo-American led European colonial-neocolonial
powers? Poor Somalia is the most horrific example. Years of US support
of cooperative war lords causing chaos led to the birth of a government
made up of the country's Islamic Courts that was supported by Somalia's
business community and was clean and efficient and extremely popular.
When US air strikes could not save its war lords, US client armies of
Ethiopia and Kenya were called upon to invade and it was the youth wing
of the conservative Islamic Courts government, the Movement of Striving
Youth, which drove out the Ethiopian army, forcing the US to have the UN
call upon subservient African nations to send the troops that are still
there fighting the now radicalized Shabab, or Movement of Striving
Youth - of late, conveniently demonized for being intermeshed with an
originally US created al Qaida.[3] Oxfam estimates more than a million
Somalians have starved to death during these years of disruption. It is
commonly known that the ill trained and badly behaved African troops
are hated just as the UN foreign occupation force in Haiti, where their
job is to keep a US friendly government in power against the wishes of
the Haitian people, whose popular priest socialist President was
kidnapped by the US following an invasion of Haiti by thugs.[4][5][6]
the ghost of the UN Secretariat slandered revolutionary leader Gaddafi
present at the 2015 General Assembly Debate? How many delegates
remembered the UN 'No Fly Zone' under which the 53rd highest Quality of
Life UN indexed nation, the wealthiest in Africa, once the poorest for
being exploited by Britain and France, was destroyed mercilessly with
unopposed air strikes by its former colonial occupying exploiters after
initial devastation by air and naval missile strikes by the US
superpower professedly "to protect Libyans from certain slaughter" by
their beloved [7] revolutionary leader who was also Chairman of the
African Union he had himself revived after its long sleep since the
colonial powers backed overthrow of its first founder President Nkruma
of Ghana.
Prophetically in regard to his own assassination few years later, Gaddafi had warned, "At
present, the Security Council is security feudalism, political
feudalism for those with permanent seats, protected by them and used
against us. It should be called, not the Security Council, but the
Terror Council."
socialist presidents of Latin America, those of Argentina, Bolivia,
Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua and Venezuela did call delegates attention to
the Libyans now suffering incessant slaughter in a formerly prosperous
Libya in describing the overall disastrous situation the world finds
itself in due to continued colonial neocolonial economic, political and
military control and exploitation. "They called Gadaffi a tyrant,"
shouted Evo Morales, and some must have recalled Fidel Castro was also
called a tyrant, and survived innumerable assassination attempts as did
Gadaffi. With number one enemy Gadaffi gone, North Africa has been wide
open for USAFRICON military penetration. At our UN of false appearances,
there is mostly diplomatic silence about the uncomfortably obvious.
the exception of Latin America's revolutionary delegates, the striking
embarrassment that various Muslim nations lie in ruins, in good part
because of criminal acts of the UN Secretary General, the destruction
of these UN member nations went uncommented upon in the delegates'
speeches. The UN's chief officer's support for infantile stories thrown
out for public deception that should not have been believed; CNN stories
of public uprising and Libyan government violence without one single
video or photo to prove such lies; the world treated to nine weeks of
videos of tough guys in heavy weapons armed pickup trucks posing as
liberators with little or no reports allowed from rebel held Benghazi
and elsewhere,[8] all this must be diplomatically unremembered by the
cooperative majority of delegates. [see a day by day chronicle history: There Was No Libyan Peaceful Protest Just Murderous Gangs and CNN's Nic Robertson]
same is true of Syria, suffering deadly US funded invasions of
terrorists openly abetted by a Ban Ki-Moon concurring with every US
thought up vilification of President Assad. However fiery President
Fernandez of Argentina did threw up her hands in desperation as she
railed against the US,
"Now is the ISIS , this new monster that has appeared on television -
terrorist beheading people in real stagings that one wonders how, from
where, because let me , I have become quite suspicious of all after
seeing all the things that have happened . And things that go on
television in the series that both entertain and amuse us , fictions are
small next to the reality we have to live today as world." "Where do
they get weapons , where do they get the resources."
Raul Castro, in his turn, limited himself to lecturing,
" We renew our confidence that the people of Syria are capable of
resolving their differences themselves and we demand the ceasing of
outside interference." (A bit too diplomatic as those "differences" were false flagged up to 'civil war' appearances four years ago) [9]
That Muslim country, where a coalition of every single blessed
Caucasian populated nation of Earth, even tiny Andorra, Lichtenstein,
etc. has been part of a coalition of invaders and murderous occupiers of
an innocent Afghan nation over fifteen bloody years of drug lord
installed government and kids freezing to death outside the warmly
comfortable military accommodations of 'Coalition Forces.' Now that is
an impressive example of white people solidarity. The non pale skin
world that includes the majority of UN delegates shows a backhanded
solidarity in ignoring it.
the 2015 UN debate, the biggest exception to diplomatic propriety was
Ncolas Madero of Venezuela, who spoke at length of the invasions of
Afghanistan, and then at length of Iraq, Libya and Syria, shouting a one
point, "Who is
going to pay for the crimes in Libya, in Afghanistan, in Iraq in Syria
and recognize the horror movie made in Hollywood, politics of horror,
politics of terror." Madero over and over called out the perpetrator by name "los Estados Unidos de America - the United States," as no other delegate to the 2015 General Debate did.
didn't a delegate answer Madero's question with, 'We must make the
United States pay for the crimes not only in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in
Libya, in Syria, but in Vietnam, in Laos, in Cambodia, in Congo, in
Greece, in Guatemala, in Dominican Republic, in Angola, in Yemen, in
Somalia, in Panama, in Grenada, in Cuba, in Haiti, in Iran, in Chile and
almost every single country in Latin America?
Correa of Ecuador, speaking in determined, even on occasion angry,
demeanor, did use words that reminded one of law and order, "can't have liberty without justice, only seeking justice will we get real liberty," but in quoting an economist, "When plunder becomes a way of life, men create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it," Correa
seemed to put justice out of our reach. This may be true enough at the
moment in regard to prosecuting economic crimes causing poverty, but not
when it come to military madness. We have laws against murder which
sadly no delegate demands be called into force. Making use of these laws
would make investment in profitable illegal and death dealing use of
armed forces unprofitable. Prosecuting military crimes against humanity
would reduce the investment in weapons and war which is the major cause
of the unjust impoverishment of humanity. Raul Castro pointed out
dramatically in the very opening of his address, "795
million people go hungry , 781 million adults are illiterate and 17 000
children die every day from preventable diseases , while annual
military spending worldwide totals more than 1.7 trillion dollars."
Evo Morales of Bolivia cried out to the General Assembly,
"Every year we hear here the speeches of Obama on war"
"wars that leave destruction and death, but also wealth for the arms industry"
and "If we want to end poverty we have no other way but to end the imperialist system"
The Vice-President of Nicaragua speaking for President Daniel Ortega cited the "greed of capitalism, the empire of global capitalism, the destruction of even developed nations" and that "the UN must respond to barbaric interventions."
Dear readers and Their Excellencies representing member UN nations:
humanity has the laws to prosecute and end the wars by which the
imperialist system perpetuates itself. These international laws unlike
many parts of the Charter are not observed voluntarily. No person
anywhere, no nation's law, is above the Nuremberg Principles of
international law.[10]
is needed is some awakening of that desire for justice in the court of
public opinion that is usually a prerequisite to justice happening in a
formal court.
M.I.T. professor Noam Chomsky's often quoted hypothetical "All the US presidents after FDR would have been hanged if tried under the same laws as the as the Nazis were tried under,"
is never responded to with a 'Well, let's try a few!' Latin American
delegates may have elaborated on Rev. Jeremiah Wright's widely heard
outcry, "God damn America for her crimes against humanity," but
today's revolutionary delegates seemed to have backtracked from the
investigations and prosecutions Gadaffi called for six years ago. Many
such crimes crimes against humanity need no investigation, being long
admitted to (as mistakes of course).
June of this year, former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark entered a
friend of the court brief supporting the case of Iraqi mom, Sundus
Shaker Saleh, who is suing top of officials in the Bush administration
for violating crimes against peace under laws set down at the Nuremberg
Trials used to prosecute Nazi war criminals, which since than have
become an integral part of the US Constitution. Former President Bush,
former Vice President Richard Cheney, former Deputy Secretary of Defense
Paul Wolfowitz, former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, former
National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice and former Secretary of State
Colin Powell are all named as defendants.
2013, the Obama Administration had had Department of Justice attorneys
file a successful 'motion to dismiss' and grant immunity to the
government officials by citing the Westfall Act, which shields
government employees from criminal repercussions for any actions that
take place "within the scope of their employment."
In vain has Former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark given his name to encouraging journalists not to write interesting exposes, erudite explanations, entertaining insights into the horror of the nearly continuous US genocide as Realpolitik, as if it were something other than prosecutable crimes against humanity and crimes against peace. Mass homicidal events are being avidly discussed as news and politics, almost never as crimes against humanity and crimes against peace, rather as if they were as unchallengeable as the weather. Professors and other intellectuals are, by such omission, leaving their reading public with the gut feeling that the lethal bombings, invasions, wars of occupation and covert violence are somehow lawful and that those engaging in, supporting and abetting this mayhem will not, and cannot, be brought before the law.
At the Libyan border, I recently stopped 1,000 African migrants headed for Europe. I asked them why they were going there. They told me it was to take back their stolen wealth -- that they would not be leaving otherwise. If you decide to restore all of this wealth, there will be no more immigration from the Philippines, Latin America, Mauritius and India. Let us have the wealth that was stolen from us.
Why is the Third World demanding compensation? So that there will be no more colonization -- so that large and powerful countries will not colonize, knowing that they will have to pay compensation. Colonization should be punished. The countries that harmed other peoples during the colonial era should pay compensation for the damage and suffering inflicted under their colonial rule."
In November, 20I3 this writer was flown to Caracas for a week, wonderful beyond words, as guest of the Ministry of Foreign Relations for study, meetings and discussions with committees in communes, in barrios, in housing developments, hospitals, factories, a new police university, the electoral commission, an election rally, and an afternoon with members of the Ministry and of the Asamblea Nacional regarding goals, achievements, and functioning, and aspects of the Chavista revolution.
On the final day, in front an gathering of parents and school teachers at an exciting and festive new elementary school dedication, I promised the honorable Elias Jawa, the young and charming Foreign Minister, that I would dedicate the rest of my life in protection of the beautiful Chavista revolution, and good people everywhere, by working, with the support of former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark, to seed confidence in the public consciousness world wide, that sooner of later, citizens and entities of the United States of North America will be sued for genocidal crimes against humanity and crimes against peace, for compensation for wrongful death in the millions, and injuries in the tens of millions, and for reparations for massive destruction and theft of natural resources, at a cost that will make future wars and covert violence to maintain predatory investments unprofitable.
Upon my return to the less happy atmosphere in New York, it came to me that in the most widely read Anglo-American independent journalism and news commentary there exist without exception a doomsday scenario of impending world war and worse. The just concluded 70th UN General Debate gave me the same impression of hopelessness, blistering condemnations of the US by Presidents Fernandez, Morales, Castro, Correa, Madero and Vice-president Halleslevens of Nicaragua notwithstanding.
For someone who has lived in for many years in China, other Asian cultures, Latin America and a bit in Africa among peoples whose ways of life will inevitably be propelled into influencing thinking world wide as the West declines in economic power, this paralyzing poverty of thought that surrounds us at the moment is seen as temporary.
When the US loses its power to sanction its former victim nations into silence, a reconstituted United Nations, no longer under Anglo-American-EU control, can be expected to be adjudicating in its courts a plethora of mega monstrous in size lawsuits for compensation for millions of unlawful deaths and tens of millions of injuries, indemnity for enormous destruction of property and reparations for awesome theft of natural resources that parallel the descriptions of genocidal crimes described by the presidents of Venezuela and Nicaragua, economic terrorist crimes described by the presidents of Argentina and Cuba and the massive crimes against Mother Nature and our planetary home as described by the presidents of Bolivia and Ecuador.
Should a reader wish to calculate how great could be the cost of such expected future lawsuits for investors in the illegal use of US Armed Forces, five years ago former US Attorney General gave his blessing to a educational and stimulus website campaign: Prosecute US Crimes Against Humanity Now that contains the pertinent laws and a color coded country by country history of US crimes in nineteen countries.
US Economic Facilitation of Holocaust and Middle East Destabilizing PartitionBy jay janson
click here"
Dec 6, 2012
click here
Synopsis: Israel is in bed with a US business elite that once heavily invested in Hitler, was itself anti-Semitic in outlook, coldly indifferent and even complicit during the Holocaust its investments made possible. A popular quip in Yiddish goes, "with such friends, who needs enemies?" Arabs saved Jews from Christian persecutions in 637, 1187, 1492. Now Christians are persecuting Arabs. Needed! Jewish-Arab Semitic solidarity.
An earlier and less through version of this article was published by OpEdNews in two parts: June 9, 2011, titled: "US Invested Heavily in Hitler Compensated Europe's Jews with Arab Land - Therefore: [Parts 2 & 3] 2. Distortion 3. Imagining
Prosecutable US Crimes Against Humanity In Korea. By Jay Janson. 31 March, 2013. While staring at the New York Times front page photo ...
Which country created Al Qaeda?
In this video Hilary Clinton admits that the US government created and funded Al-Qaeda in order to fight the soviet union, and she even considers that as a good thing.
Hillary Clinton : We created Al-Qaeda -
Merciless US NATO UN Genocide In Somalia Brought Nairobi Shopping Mall Blowback!
Oct 16, 2013 The UN General Secretary Ban Ki-moon arrived in Somalia fresh from the ..... Internet explorer 's still the industry primary along with a good portion of folks will ...
OpEdNews Op Eds 12/12/2011 at 08:59:50
Korean Traitor US Stooge UN 'Terror Council' Sec. Gen. in Somalia
By Jay Janson
click here
The Kidnapping of President Jean Bertrand Aristide
Mar 31, 2004 - Background. Beginning in early February 2004, the democratically elected President of Haiti, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, faced an armed rebellion ...
Berlusconi says Libyans love Qaddafi: as Italians protest against NATO, Italian news agency ANSA.
There Was No Libyan Peaceful Protest, Just Murderous Gangs and Nic Robertson By Jay Janson June 20 2011 "Information Clearing House" -- Nic Robertson ...
Syria: CIA, M16, French, Mossad, Saudi Involvement Unreported In Imperialist Media. By Jay Janson. 27 June, 2011. What is unfolding in ...
Article 2
The Organization and its Members, in pursuit of the Purposes stated in Article 1, shall act in accordance with the following Principles.
The Organization is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members.
All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations. (Article 1. of Purposes of the United Nations reads: To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace.)
Principles of International Law Recognized in the Charter of the Nurnberg Tribunal and in the Judgment of the Tribunal, subsequently part of the Charter of the United Nations, and by the way by Article II of the US Constitution, a integral part of that constitution (''In the United States..., our constitution declares a treaty to be the law of the land. It is, consequently, to be regarded in courts of justice as equivalent to an act of the legislature, whenever it operates of itself, without the aid of any legislative provision. - Chief Justice Marshall in 1829:)
Principle I
Any person who commits an act which constitutes a crime under international law is responsible therefor and liable to punishment.
Principle II
The fact that internal law does not impose a penalty for an act which constitutes a crime under international law does not relieve the person who committed the act from responsibility under international law.
Principle III
The fact that a person who committed an act which constitutes a crime under international law acted as Head of State or responsible Government official does not relieve him from responsibility under international law.
Principle IV
The fact that a person acted pursuant to order of his Government or of a superior does not relieve him from responsibility under international law, provided a moral choice was in fact possible to him.
Principle V
Any person charged with a crime under international law has the right to a fair trial on the facts and law.
Principle VI
The crimes hereinafter set out are punishable as crimes under international law:
Crimes against peace:
(i) Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances;
(ii) Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the acts
mentioned under (i).
War crimes:
Violations of the laws or customs of war which include, but are not limited to, murder, illtreatment or deportation to slave labour or for any other purpose of civilian population of or in occupied territory, murder or ill - treatment of prisoners of war, of persons on the seas, killing of hostages, plunder of public or private property, wanton destruction of cities, towns, or villages, or devastation not justified by military necessity.
Crimes against humanity:
Murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation and other inhuman acts done against any civilian population, or persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds, when such acts are done or such persecutions are carried on in execution of or in connection with any crime against peace or any war crime.
Principle VII
Complicity in the commission of a crime against peace, a war crime, or a crime against humanity as set forth in Principle VI is a crime under international law.
Yearbook of the International Law Commission, 1950, vol. II, para 97