Senate votes 57-43 for Trump acquittal in second impeachment trial Senate Republicans handed former President Trump his second impeachment acquittal on Saturday, clearing him of charges that he incited the mob that ...
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This better not be over. Even though 43 traitorous, despicable Republican Senate cowards acquitted him, Trump is liable for criminal charges. Biden better allow the DOJ to go after him.
And consider this. Fourteen of the senators walked out during the proceedings and three colluded with the defense attorneys. All of them should have been ejected from the proceedings. That would have left 83 jurors. Two thirds of 83 would be 56. But of course, the Democrats did not have the guts to fight for that.
While investigations are under way, the DOJ and state Attorneys General should also go after the republicans who supported Trump in his efforts to steal the election.
There are already investigations of Trump in NY and GA. The DOJ should now go after Trump for his role in the Capitol riots. Victims of the Capitol riots-- the families of police officer killed, the families of injured police officers should all sue Trump for his now well defined role.
Trump must be pursued and prosecuted. Even slimeball Mitch McConnell says Trump can be prosecuted criminally.
And when that happens, the despicable 43 coward repug senators who betrayed their oaths and the nation must be brought up and reminded every time.
And let's make sure that they flinch every time they out in public, because they should expect people to call them out, call them cowards. I am not talking about violence of any kind. I am talking about shaming them and confronting them at airports, restaurants and anywhere they dare to show their faces. And I know that the lying PsOS defense attorneys tried to find equivalence for people who have called for such behavior. But confronting people and calling them out and calling them names is not the same as attacking and killing or injuring police or destroying public property.