Newly declassified films show US nuclear tests The US government recently declassified films showing some of the 210 atmospheric nuclear tests it conducted between 1945 ...
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By Dave Lindorff
"Clearly, in the absence of a U.N. resolution, which Russia would veto, a strong coalition of like-minded nations should step in and seriously consider a no-fly zone over the Ukraine."
Sen. Tom Wicker, (R-Miss), Senate Armed Services Committee
The tough-talk politicians in Washington and pundits in the media who are mindlessly calling for establishment of a US or US/NATO no-fly zone over Ukraine to allegedly deter Russian planes from bombing Ukrainian cities, or to "protect" Ukrain's 15 nuclear reactors are nuts, and fortunately are so far not being listened to.
There are two things we can be glad about in this madness of war between Russia and Ukraine: One is that President Biden and the leaders of NATO countries in Europe all made it clear as Russia was amassing troops and heavy military equipment along its own and the Belarus borders with Ukraine that they would not be sending troops to defend Ukraine if Russia were to invade (they continue to hold that position even since the invasion began). The other is that both Russia and the US have huge stockpiles of nuclear weapons, many mounted on missiles that can reach each other's homeland and decimate it, and that if launched, would take the rest of the world down with them.
It is only those two things that have prevented this conflict from becoming a repeat of World Wars I and II, when mutual assistance treaties among countries in Europe (like NATO's Article 5 today), and the lack of an existential reality of global destruction, led to attacks against one country leading inexorably to a world-wide conflagration.
Let me state this right now: There is no horror that one country can perpetrate upon another that can justify the risking of global nuclear war that would involve the exploding of thousands of nuclear bombs, and that instead of "just" resulting in the deaths of millions or tens of millions, would murder billions of humans and perhaps end life on Earth.
For 77 years since the US dropped two atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in a span of three days in early August 1945 up to now, there has been no other nuclear bomb exploded in war, and equally significant, no great power head-to-head war between nuclear-armed nations.
Some may disagree with this line of thinking, but I for one am grateful for the fear of nuclear war that has kept this conflict so far confined to the borders of Ukraine, as unfortunate as that is for the people of that nation. And I am hopeful that at some point Ukraine's government will reach the conclusion that the US is not going to come riding in like the cavalry to defend them against Russia and that they are going to have to settle for some kind of peace that will involve Ukraine's remaining a "neutral" country under the control of Russia, with no chance of becoming a part of Europe and especially of NATO"
For the rest of this article by DAVE LINDORFF i ThisCantBeHnappening!, the uncompromised, collectively run, six-time Project Censored Award-winning online alternative news site, please go to: