2) Get Our Military Out of the Middle East. If we pull out of the region entirely, terrorism will not be eliminated, but it will be greatly reduced. Why? Because the main complaint of Muslim extremists--and non-extremists--is Western influence and interference in their part of the world. Osama bin Laden's stated reason for 9/11 was American involvement in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere in the Arab world. "They hate us for our freedom" is no more than a Republican talking point. Let the Sunnis and the Shiites kill each other if that's what they want to do, but we don't need to be involved in that.
3) Limited Military Action. Just to clarify, I'm not advocating appeasement. If there is reliable intelligence about planned attacks on Western targets, surgical military strikes by coalition governments would be appropriate. But lets make sure no U.S. or Western ground troops are involved. That would only make the situation worse.
I don't expect these acts of assistance will immediately stop all terrorism and hatred of the West. What I'm proposing is a long-term strategy, not a short-term one (the kind we are fondest of). Muslims will naturally be suspicious at first, but once real assistance was in place, they might start to look at Western powers in a different way: as (gasp!) friends. Terrorism would eventually dissipate. There would no longer be a compelling reason to seek revenge on the West. No guarantees here, but one thing we can count on: staying the course or doubling down militarily will not work.
There are no easy solutions to this centuries-old cycle of death and destruction. But we need to utilize our brains and common sense rather than give in to mindless hate and violence.