So how does the ban on abortion work in regards to women of ability and means to cross state lines or leave the country to remove a problematic fetus?

Biblical traditional methods of Killing Children
(Image by Details DMCA
Does the Clinic PA, Primary Care, OB-Gyn, or other facility servicing the well-off report the pregnancy to particular state's database for follow upon the patients return? What if they don't report? Will any blood-work that tests positive for illicit drugs also be given to the state (as with the impoverished) for possible prosecution of in-vitro child endangerment? Will any of the wealthy suffer the legislated punishment if they return from visiting relatives, out-of-state, or another country sans fetus or newborn?
Or are these laws "just", preventing the rich and poor alike from pan handling, stealing bread, sleeping under bridges, and having abortions?
Where does the Human Soul reside? What makes you an expert on souls? Jesus? Whose Jesus? God? Whose god? As far as I can tell you are deluded fools in service of the worship of Mammon. "Oh the poor little babies!" You are not "PRO-LIFE" unless you're protesting executions of criminals, exporting munitions and the deployment of our armed forces in foreign entanglements and military adventurism". You can only claim to be Anti-Abortion; I name you Pro-Coat-Hanger.
The ecclesiastical philosophical disagreements are staggering and anything but agreed upon even within the "Body of Christ" (the 'Christian' Church)! Sprinkle or Full Immersion, quick now?! Only "Full Immersion are truly "Baptized" in the eyes of the Lord! Die Heretic, may god have mercy on your soul!Oh Yes! This will go Well! I CANNOT THINK OF ANYTHING POSSIBLY BAD THAT COULD COME OUT OF THIS! There are fields of blood covering the earth over those type of ideological proclamations, but. of course those that forget the past, or indoctrinated with a self-serving fabricated "Reality" (called the American Myth) are doomed to repeat HARMONIC variations. Anybody remember the honorable Reverend Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple?!? Put on the Full Armor of Koresh!
The Traditional Judeo-Christian tradition didn't assign names to newborns and often not until 2 years after "The Breath of Life" (1st Cry) upon "Christening" because the child mortality rate was so huge - for both fetus and mother. Only those of high status with property / royalty succession was it of concern. It has really only been in the last 100 years that childbearing mortality has been reduced, of course the child mortality rate is increasing as the lifespan of the population is decreasing, a trend that will only worsen as climat

Fascism comes to America wrapped in the flag and carrying a Cross
(Image by Details DMCA
Who's to say the abortion isn't within God's Will? Talk about legislating from the bench!. The Hubris! The Arrogance! Maybe "God" didn't wish the new soul transmutation to have to undergo the trials and tribulations of this existence? I for one have not seen any particular interest in any child after the fetus has passed into childhood, even from "The Church" - organized or not. Or is this another definition of "freedom" we were previously unaware of?: To be born in drug withdrawal from addicted mother who missed the political grandstanding State Legislated "day 17" date (after 3 day "waiting" period and 'pre-abortion' ultrasound (all at patients expense, impoverished or not).
What's the difference between a newly differentiated stem heart muscle cell(s) (which begin the natural lifelong function of spontaneous electro-muscular normal sinus rhythm contract and a "heart beat?!? It has been in the last ten years that we could actually even detect said electro-muscular signal and your maintaining that this is the indication that the soul is now present?!?
WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? Declaring that life begins at conception?!
Cherry Street Philosopher(Article changed on Jan 25, 2022 at 5:54 PM EST)