Sent to Campaign Manager Jeff Weaver and to Campaign Advisor Tad Devine;
I want to share some ideas with you on how Bernie can still win! You have plenty of ideas of your own, I am sure, so I am merely adding to them.
1) ask Bernie to ask his supporters and whomever is listening to him to reach out to at least 25 people a day in the remaining primary states, and especially to people of color, who should be up on the stage and at the podium with him. They could be calling them too, their friends, their family, their business associates, and so on.
2) urgently ask all of the endorsers of Bernie listed in the Wikipedia article on Bernie Sanders endorsements to write their endorsement down and put it in writing and send it to as many papers editorial page editors as they can for the remaining states. I personally think going the next extra step, asking the paper's endorsement of him, is appropriate and would be effective. I have started a request for some to do this but my humble words have no imprimatur, and would be better much much faster, with your help and with Bernie's help. NY Sen. James Sanders, Texas Rep. Marisa Marquez, US Rep. Peter Welch are among the endorses that I have contacted. My own NM Senator Jerry Ortiz y Pino's endorsement has yet to be published in the press, but is up at whose publisher Rob Kall is a very strong Bernie supporter.
3)open more channels so people could call into his HQ with tips and ideas instead of merely sending another email. I am in the process of starting a FB page like this which should be up soon. I have already posted
voluminous contacts on my own page for Stephen Fox on how to send letters to the editor in California, Oregon, and Washington State; NY state papers are next.
4) Reach out to all supporters for more than just money (as the substance of all of them from Jeff Weaver have thus far been); instead, thank them for their help thus far, and then directly ask for their time, their letters to the editor; their talking with as many marginalized voters as possible every day; for their creativity, their insights, etc. (Brilliant ideas can come in the middle of the night).
5) Entirely focus on the remaining states and pull out all of the stops. Use surrogates when and where he can't go.
6) Try different kinds of fund raisers, like an art auction, which I did with and for two US Senators from New Mexico, Tom Udall and Jeff Bingaman. Surrogates could preside over them.
7) Rent stadiums for Bernie Rallies in the remaining states, and if not stadiums, as large as possible halls; the Tulsa event I am sure convinced loads of Oklahomans to vote for him.
8) Bernie himself could send longer commentaries (600-1200 words) to the largest papers which I am sure would run them. Imagine the LA Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, the San Diego Union Telegram, the Arizona Republic, the Deseret News, the Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Juneau papers, et. al., using one of his 1000 word pieces next Sunday before the next primaries occur. You all are not using the newspapers as much or as thoroughly or as effectively as you should be, which is the most critical thing I have to say....
9) In short, all you are doing and have been doing, including Bernie himself, is correct and effective, but there is just not enough of it. He has been brilliant thus far but I am sure you both have great and creative ideas you could implement quickly. Bernie's eloquence has gotten him this far, but it must be coupled with some hardball strategies from here on out!
10) ask all of those endorsers listed in the Wikipedia article to join you on the campaign trail, on the stage, whenever and wherever possible. I am weary of seeing Chelsea Clinton out on the hustings, but have never seen Bernie and Jane's children. They would be invaluable and effective.
11) I personally have brought about 100 letters to the editor at least into the campaign matrix, but that could become 50,000 letters to the editor only with your asking Bernie to ask that of his supporters, some of whom are already working 16 hours a day for him as volunteers, as I am...
12) whoever wrote the text below (and I mean precisely that person and a team chosen by them) should be sending this very piece out right away, as widely as possible not just to donors or general supporters, but also to media and editorial page editors in general, along with his strategies and ways to win big in the remaining states. Bernie should emphasize his long career of accomplishments and his deeper honesty and credibility (as opposed to the distrust of the other two), and not go into too many issues, as to save words to hit the obvious needs hardest: how can he win the remaining primaries. the o .objections I hear so often are these, and this is how I answer them in Santa Fe in my art gallery:
"How are we going to pay for his programs?" some say...
WE ALREADY ARE paying for so much wasted efforts of his predecessors, like the Wall St. Bailout and horribly expensive military expenditures and wars in the Middle East; Bernie speaks of raising taxes for the mega-wealthy, the main reason they are fighting back, but his plans and ideas and visions will result ultimately in a much more cost effective government.
"I don't want a socialist as President!" others say.
So you don't like FDR, social security, medicare, etc., yet you are enjoying the benefits of what was described at FDR's time as "Socialist"!
600 words would get it published a lot more often and more quickly!
When we started our campaign 10 months ago, I don't think you could find a single person who would believe you if you said Bernie Sanders would win nine states by this point in the campaign.
Last night we beat all the polls in almost every state. We earned a significant number of delegates, and are on track for the nomination. Here's why:
What you will not hear from the political and media establishment is that, based on the primary and caucus schedule for the rest of the race, this is the high water mark for the Clinton campaign. Starting today, the map now shifts dramatically in our favor.
Arizona, Idaho, and Utah are up next Tuesday. Alaska, Hawaii, and
Washington State caucus the Saturday after. Then it's Wisconsin's turn to vote.
That means we have an extremely good chance to win nearly every state that votes in the next month. If we continue to stand together, we're just getting started for our political revolution!