Really. Seriously. How Bad Does It Have To Get?
I certainly don’t have to tell you how bad things are. Most of us are painfully aware of it, and we know it’s only getting worse.
One of the reasons it’s getting worse is because many people are fighting over who is right, and it only produces more conflict, malice, toughness, and violence. It’s a downward spiral.
Ironically, those people who think they are the most right, are the most wrong. And many people don’t realize the consequences and impact that their anger, hate, greed and fear are having.
Tragically, even when most people are presented with the real truth, they don’t recognize it, or they dismiss it, or call it a lie. Many people cling to their egocentric notion of superiority, and self-righteousness, resenting those who disagree.
Meanwhile, there are some malicious "Christian" hypocrites who are gleefully thinking this means the time is soon coming when they will be magically beamed up to heaven while the rest of us will be "left behind" while the world goes to hell in a handbasket.
But then, those "Christians" are like some misguided Muslims and Jews who think that God’s (Allah’s) will is being done, and that God’s wrath is being visited upon the earth. They think God is on their side in their "holy war against evil." They think God is not being loving, but hateful, not being merciful, but vengeful, not being forgiving, but condemning and punitive.
But, while those hypocrites have God or Allah on their lips, and claim that God is on their side, they do not know God or Allah.
The truth is that our God is loving, merciful, forgiving, and nurturing, and most of the world’s problems have been caused by Man, not by God.
Man’s hate, anger, greed, fear, malice, avarice, mendacity, corruption and vain folly are the problem. All the wars, diseases, famines, pestilence, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, droughts and the many other terrible things were prophesied because they were foreseen --- not because God would cause them, but because enlightened seers knew how and why Man would mess things up!
Granted, there are some scriptural words and phrases that would seem to indicate that God would "punish sinners," but those words and phrases were written as scare tactics. And, well meaning as they were, they were designed to exact obedience, just as strict and rigid patriarch demands obedience and threatens severe punishment for disobedience. But God is not a patriarch. As even Moses wrote, God is not a mortal, not a man, nor a son of man. And as the Christ Jesus said, No one has ever seen the shape of God, because God is not a man, and God is greater than the son of man.
Unfortunately, most Christians, even most of the original apostles, have misunderstood. And that is why Jesus said he had to go away and be seen no more, and because he had many more things to say, he would send the Spirit of truth, who would issue judgment, guide us unto truth, show us things to come, and glorify God and the Ancient One (aka the Christ), who is in heaven with God.
The seers, like Isaiah and the mortal Jesus, foresaw that we would go through this ordeal and tribulation prior to the coming of the "son of man" – not the son of man Jesus, but the next, modern son of man, also known as the witness and servant of God, and the messenger for the Spirit of truth.
Now, as prophesied, the son of man comes to issue judgment, guide us unto truth, and show us things to come. But he comes like a thief in the night, to take power away from the pretender to the throne who tries to rule the world with all the monetary and military might at his disposal.
He comes to take power away from all other leaders in the world who have fought for and gained power, and abuse it to further enrich themselves and their wealthy supporters. He also comes to take away myths and false beliefs, and remove the masks and facade behind which evil masquerades.
His work will result in a reformation of both religion and government, and that will take away the ill-gotten financial gains of many of those who now hold enormously excessive wealth, so that it may finally be fairly shared with those who generated the wealth in the first place. For the reformation will ensure the equality of all citizens, who in the future shall govern themselves, and use the common wealth for the common good.
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