I know or am not the least bit surprised that the US has been fighting both sides of the War on Terror, indeed on both sides of all wars, from the War of Independence (on rich white blowhards seeking control) on down.
In the last century, largely through the banking cartels, that can be directly traced to the Rothschild control of the global banking system. This is well-enough established that I don't find much point in reciting the litany and volumes of proof, aka writing a few more books or producing a few more videos on it.
But here we have a genuine smoking gun, still smoldering hot, in the form of a report from Armswatch.com. Here are a few of the findings:
-Arms Watch has pieced together an entire network of covert arms dealing orchestrated by the Pentagon. The devastating implication is that such a global syndicate involving US arms contractors, American government officials acting as buyers, and the use of hundreds of civilian airliners given "diplomatic clearance" all of these logistics must have had top-level authorization in Washington.
-The giant gun-running scheme operates to purchase non-standard US weaponry from arms companies in the Balkans Bulgaria, Croatia and Serbia. The cargos comprising millions of weapon pieces, including assault rifles, mortars and rockets, are usually flown to the US airbase, Al Udeid, in Qatar. From there, the arms are transported to various terrorist outfits in Syria, Iraq and Yemen.
-The serial numbers on individual weapons recovered in hauls by the Syrian Arab Army from former militant bases show an exact match with order and lot numbers on documents that Arms Watch received from anonymous leaks. Other leaked documents (emails, passport scans) reveal US government officials purchasing inventories of weapons bearing the same serial numbers from arms companies in Bulgaria, Croatia and Serbia.
-We are talking here about millions of weapons and tens of millions of dollars. This could not be carried out by rogue American intel agencies acting without authorization. It must have top-level clearance, perhaps even from President Trump's national security council headed up by John Bolton. [Which is why I think Bolton got tossed under the steam roller.]
-As journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva comments: "The documents expose the biggest lie in the US foreign policy officially fighting terrorism while secretly supporting it."
-The latest investigative findings by Arms Watch expose an international weapons supply chain to internationally proscribed terror groups all under the direction of Washington.
-Since the 9/11 terror attacks on the US in 2001, the world has been utterly changed by constant American warmongering. Whole countries have been demolished, civilizations desecrated, millions of civilians have been killed or maimed, millions of children orphaned, millions of refugees on the move.
But check the report yourself, at the aforementioned site, or click here for a rehash of everything I just put into an article I think the world NEEDS to see. If we are not going to get to our legislators on this, what else are we possibly "singing" about?
Rest assured that Mitt Romney will be hearing from me early next week, along with a contact high up in the Mormon Church, since I live in Salt Lake, and this genuine human being was a stellar cardiologist who literally helped save my life. (He has more of a spiritual than religious bent, from all I could tell. I encourage you to do the same with your local congressperson, rather than hold your breath, no matter what their background).
Time to call out the serious from the slackers and separate the wheat from the chaff, if ever there was one.
P.S. I personally feel the need to cut some slack for presidential candidates, who need to get into office before they can "speak the whole truth and nothing but the truth." Unless we can somehow work around the present electoral "set up" and get everyone running to speak out in a serious debate, that I don't hold my breath for.