Cassandra and the Fall of Troy
Dear Clinton Democrats,
No way will I come to your Hillary Clinton fundraisers. Please post this on your refrigerator, so you remember your role in this decisive challenge of choice.
Hillary is a Trojan Horse (2016)
Hillary Clinton represents and would further the bankruptcy of the Democratic Party. If nominated, she will either lose to Trump, or she will extend the decline and deterioration of this country, feeding the rage, disenchantment, and violence that is tearing us apart.
When Democrats permit hollow political rhetoric to prevail, they continue to fail the people, and they nurture the irrational soil of fascism. Hillary Clinton belongs to the power elite who have hijacked this democracy. The liberal establishment's naivete blindness to the obvious is as non-rational as the right-wing is irrational.
Neither establishment Democrats' pledge of allegiance to the oligarchy Clinton represents, nor do Trump's troops depend upon reason and knowledge. Both disdain fact and rational discourse.
Hillary and Donald Trump are faces of the same coin,---the debased currency of democracy. Demagogues triumph when reason proves weak and ineffectual; hence has Trump come as far as you never expected.
Bernie Sanders has given the country the opportunity to regenerate our democracy. If we the people fail this chance for renewal, we are creating a future whose chaos, discord, and degeneration will come to haunt us with the folly of a road not taken.