- Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State helped impose the Martelly dictatorship. US Ambassador to Haiti,Pamela White and US Ambassador to UN Samantha Powers, daily maintain the Haiti terror with UN guns and the NGO charitable fronts
The racket is finally being exposed by some US journalists. But not altogether and not simply because most care about the truth, the human rights, health or lives of the Black people of Haiti. No. We've explained the racism, neo-feudalism, cognitive dissonance, imperialism terrors and about the US low intensity warfare in Haiti for decades now. (See, The Pain Rush in Haiti; Haiti Riches, the economic reason for the US occupation of Haiti behind the UN and NGO charitable fronts; Quiet Genocide in Haiti from FDR to Obama: UN a criminal organization from Lumumba to Aristide and Swapping Haiti lives: Interview on US Haiti Exploits.)
The new "revelations" -- they're "new" because some white guy or gal
with privilege newspaper distribution and publishing access, says so.
They're new revelations because the Republicans are getting
ready to play their musical chair dance at the false 2016 presidential
elections for the false US democracy. They will fuel up on false
consternation about how the Clintons enriched themselves on Haiti's
traumas to score political points to fuel their own power-grabs for the
presidential seat of power in Washington. (See, Former US Ambassador to Haiti lied, Martelly held a U.S. passport; and the 2004 George W.Bush Bloodbath Brought to Haiti: Coup D'etat Massacres, Victims and Human Rights Abuses.)
.....Behind the headlines, Haitians continue to strongly protest the Clintons' brazen exploitation of US foreign aid and quake donation monies meant for homeless people to enrich themselves and secure a regulatory business environment favorable to foreigners that hurts local Haitians. In 2014, two prominent Haiti lawyers, Newton St. Juste and Andre Michel petitioned Haiti's Superior Court of Auditors and Administrative Disputes, demanding an audit of Bill Clinton's management of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commissiom.
.....the forces against justice for Haiti are made to look so overwhelmingly innocent. Nowadays the "good 'ol" boys are white "just-doing-their-jobs" career chicks with blond or red hair with smiley names like Hillary, Samantha or Pamela.
They can be Cheryl Mills, Susan Rice, Condi Rice or gay, LGBT or straight. Doesn't matter. They work for the Bush dynasty or for the Clinton/Obama group to install dictatorship in Haiti. The terror they've brought to Haiti is as familiar as when FDR was running the first US occupation of Haiti for Woodrow Wilson, or when Harding took it over. The UN is a criminal tool of empire that enjoys the immunity of the corporatocracy to readily swap the lives of the global poor in exchange for funding to keep its career bureaucrats in easy jobs and power. (See also, On UN Jobs-Selling Scandal, UN Tells ICP of Suspensions and Butchers of Haiti masked as the saviors of Haiti.)
Hillary Clinton and the other "smiley faced" career chicks are as complicit in supporting brutal US dictatorship and imperialism worldwide as the Manifest Destiny good 'ol boys who saw no problem with genocide of indigenous peoples and with making alliances with countries like Saudia Arabia known for violence against women and for denying them many basic freedoms. The new dictatorship and US occupation in Haiti, legitimized with the help of Hillary Clinton, Pamela White, Samantha Powers, Cheryl Mills and Susan Rice, brings proportionally greater violence, hunger, disease, rape and brutality into the lives of Haiti women and children.
us Haitians, the situation won't change as long as the American people
and schooled peoples worldwide believe that elections, as implemented by
the US, actually represents Main Street interests or people values over
monopolistic Wall Street profits. The Ndà ²ki forces of empire, responsible for engineering group passivity or to leveraging centuries of African enslavement to angelize whites and demonize Blacks must be structurally decoded and removed. ....
....Hillary Clinton, in the middle of managing the crisis in Egypt, finished interviews on the Sunday morning news shows and immediately flew to Haiti where she insisted Michell Martelly, who had not scored to be included in the run-offs, be included in the run-offs for the sham 2010 elections. Hillary Clinton and her Cheryl Mills' acolytes brought intense U.S. pressure to bear on the Haitian government and Electoral Council to comply, including, revoking the visas of several Haitian officials she felt were not complying, prematurely announcing the election dispute was over, threatening to cut off aid if the doctored elections and OAS ruling to advance Martelly to the second rounds were not accepted by Haiti. According to special representative of the OAS, Ricardo Seitenfus, the internationals' "Core Group" for Haiti, even threatened to forcibly remove Haiti president Preval if he didn't comply and put Martelly in the elections. Seitenfus exposed the international meddling in Haiti in general, and by MINUSTAH and NGOs in particular. Then, the US-installed Michel Martelly ruled against Haiti Parliament prohibitions giving Hillary Clinton's brother a rare license to exploit Haiti's over $20 billion in gold.
Meanwhile, Bill Clinton, as UN envoy to Haiti, brought in the World Bank to replace the UN's regular banker. Bill Clinton with Paul Farmer's partner at the World Bank, worked to take in all quake monies to increase white foreign presence in Haiti and to create infrastructure for the mining and oil magnates magnates in the North where there was no earthquake, calling it "Caracol jobs" for the people of Haiti. The Clinton used their star power to bring Hollywood with them to celebrate their Haiti sweatshop.......The quake monies benefited Clintons' cronies, the Clinton Foundation big business donors, the Clintons' luxury spa resort and hotel partners, the military industrial/intelligence complex and the usual Washington beltway bandits, like Chemonics. The holocaust for Haiti continued.
What's worst was the Clintons' use of shock and trauma -- the cataclysmic 2010 earthquake and 2010 UN-imported cholera traumas -- to push the 2010 doctored elections down the Haitian people's throats. That impossibly flawed election had, by Jan 12, 2015, turned from four years of Martelly circumventing Parliament, to outright dictatorship where he was formally ruling by decree with the approval and international force of the Clintons and their Hollywood image makers. In essence, the Clintons' fraudulently manipulated horrifying pestilence brought upon the people of Haiti, including the starvation that Bill Clinton apologized for, to enrich themselves, strengthen the US occupation, peddled their US governmental access, their UN-World Bank access for the benefit of their cronies, the Clinton Foundation donors and to better steal Haiti oil, golds, underwater treasures, offshore islands and lands.
(To read the complete article, go here.)
(Article changed on March 13, 2015 at 22:51)