The following flow chart explains it all--precisely how and why the 126,000 Brooklyn voters were purged! Please take ten minutes really soon to talk to editors in the press and media in general, because most of them have little knowledge of the fatally flawed NY primary, the petition to New York's Attorney General to do it all over, and the probable cause evidence that the purges were orchestrated by Bernie's opponent.
This flow chart was presented to the New York Attorney General in Albany and to the Bernie Sanders Campaign lawyer, Brad Deutsch, in Washington DC, with more meticulously compiled evidence and a timeline, we hope published soon at OpEdNews.
This Probable Cause could become the next scandal in a very long series of scandals for Bernie's opponent as well as the first salvo in a Federal Court hearing to grant a new New York Primary. Please discuss this in brief phone calls asking for further coverage with some of your press friends and other media editors, plus the Bureau Chief of your nearest Associated Press office, even if your primary has already been held. A few of these calls means you have become one of our press liaisons for an honest and clean repeat NY Primary. Thank you!
See also Stephen Fox's latest article:
"Those Pledged Super Delegates would run like rats from a sinking ship" ---NY Primary Redo Could Win it for Bernie"/Those-Pledged-Super-Deleg-by-Step"
FOR A LEGIBLE VERSION OF THIS CHART, PLEASE GO TO: click here. This schematic shows the relationships and probable motives of those involved:
(Article changed on May 19, 2016 at 12:08)