I've been saying, for many years, that Democrats are spineless. The leadership they have right now is particularly bad-- a bunch of spineless, incompetent, greedy, power-hungry idiots. I'm not saying they are stupid. I've known really high IQ people who have gone through their lives functioning as idiots and stupid fools. I can be that way my self sometimes. But the United States, the World and the Democratic party are all facing a crisis that is perhaps bigger than many in the past. And we have at the helm brilliant fools-- Joe Biden for starters.
Or as Frank Zappa said, "There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life."
I started to imagine Joe Biden did the right thing and stepped down, or if something happened to him, and Kamala Harris had to step in to take his place. That would be a total disaster. She has totally failed to demonstrate competence or strength of any kind. Yet I am sure that many among the current leadership see her as the natural follow-up to Joe Biden for the 2024 election. And I'm sure there are even more high IQ idiots who think Joe should run for a second term.
And even in the highly unlikely event that Kamala Harris declined the presidency, because her taking it would destroy the Democratic party's chances in 2022 and 2024, that would leave Nancy Pelosi as next in line. Pelosi may know how to get House votes, but she would be a terrible president. Chcuk Schumer is another high IQ moron who has failed as Senate majority leader. There are no decent Democratic leaders near the head of the pack. With centrists in control of the Democratic party, it is doomed to stay that way. It is time for the Democratic party to clean house of these mostly septuagenarian and octogenarian chronic, lifetime losers, like House Majority Whip James Clyburne (81,) a master at installing losers and incompetent neoliberals as candidates, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (83,) and of course, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (82,) who, in spite of massive bipartisan support for regulating investments by members of congress, she opposes it.
There isn't much time left. The only way a change can happen is if the progressive wing, stronger than ever, stands up to these old fools. Yes, they are intelligent. It hasn't helped them. They are so corrupted by power and too much time in the system that they can't function, can't effectively wield power or get things done. I detest Manchin and Sinema, but they have figured out how to use their power. It is time for the progressives in Congress to do the same thing.
I don't have all the answers, but I am certain that if any of the current leaders have the opportunity to put their fingers on the scales of the 2024 presidential primary, they will royally screw it up.
For the Democrats to have a chance in the 2022 elections, Harris should step down. Biden should appoint a smart populist to replace her, then Biden should step down-- just like Pope Benedict did. Of course this is a pipe dream. Biden doesn't have a clue that he is a huge part of the problem, and the power infighting would be brutal. But that's what it will take for the Democratic party to rescue the US from its slide into chaos, authoritarianism and Fascism.
Oh and Biden, Pelosi, Hoyer and Clyburne are from high IQ. Schumer may be but his brain has failed to enable him to achieve great success, only great power.
Bottom-line, the Progressive caucus and the newer, more progressive members of the Black caucus must find their spines and do to the Dem leadership exactly what Manchin and Sinema are doing-- but do it for the party and the country, not for themselves as snakes Manchin and Sinema have been doing.