"Hymn for the 81%" by Daniel Deitrich is stunning, heartfelt, tear-provoking. The faux-christians make a lot of noise, so it's reassuring to find music like this.
A singer/songwriter based in South Bend, Indiana, Deitrich notes:
In 2016, 81% of white evangelical Christians voted for Donald Trump after (among other things) hearing an audio recording of him bragging about sexually assaulting women. Maya Angelou famously said, "when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." In the years since, even after enacting deliberately cruel policies to rip families apart and put children in cages at the southern border, evangelical support is as fervent as ever. I was raised in the Evangelical world. It shaped me. I learned to take the words of Jesus seriously - love God, love your neighbor, feed the hungry, fight for justice for the oppressed. I thought that things like love, kindness, gentleness, and self-control MATTERED. I have been so confused and deeply saddened by the unflinching loyalty to a man who so clearly embodies the opposite of these values.
Comments on the video (unedited):
"This gutted me. Hauntingly beautiful and full of truth."
"At last a protest song that encompasses peace and love that wasn't written by Bob Dylan or John Lennon more than 50 years ago."
"You succinctly wrote the full expression of my torn heart: dismay, disbelief, confusion, fidelity, anger and...love."
"This captured everything I'm feeling and wresting through and have been experiencing... so powerful and heart wrenchingly true"
"As an exvangelical this song shook me to my core. I have never been more thankful for a song as I am for this."
As a non theist i really am glad to hear this. Strong work. All one world.
"I've listened to this over and over, and it really speaks to my soul. I figured out a while back that my anger and deep sadness connected to what is going on in our country goes way beyond what the politicians are doing. The real pain comes from seeing my friends and family members and religious leaders drinking the Kool-Aid and supporting people and things so opposite from the things the Bible teaches. It's like they've fallen prey to a cult, and it breaks my heart. Thank you for this song."
"Let this ex-Born Again and now Wiccan say "Amen"."
"You're revealing the anger within us that has come with feeling abandoned by those who raised us and who were supposed to love us unconditionally. You're helping us acknowledge this truth, which is required for healing to come. This is spiritual work. Thank you."
"Thank you we need to hear this, we all need your help!! I'm not a Christian but am a deeply spiritual person and I am very moved by this. This Hymn is for everyone!"
You can buy this song on iTunes or Bandcamp.