Reprinted from RT
US President Barack Obama made his eighth -- and final -- address to the United Nations General Assembly this week. What a relief, not to be subjected to any more florid speeches filled with vacuous, psychopathic lies.
Unfortunately, his successor -- whoever that is -- will pontificate more of the same. For the American psycho power-system is delusional about being a force for good.
As usual, Obama delivered another one of his soaring rhetorical pirouettes. The American Conjurer-in-Chief presented a sweeping vista of history that was a travesty of reality. Sweeping American global crimes under a carpet of lies.
"I say all this not to whitewash the challenges we face," he declared at one point, without a trace of irony that that was exactly what he was doing.
What is nauseating about an American president standing up in front of the world's nations at the opening of the UN annual assembly is not merely having to tolerate listening to such venal verbiage. It is an insult to common human intelligence to witness such brazen falsification of world conflicts -- and specifically the sickening self-exoneration of American responsibility.
With patronizing, syrupy cant, Obama urged nations and world leaders to "work together" in order to resolve conflicts by "our commitment to international cooperation rooted in the rights and responsibilities of nations."
Obama even had the gall to quote Martin Luther King by calling on nations to join with the United States as "co-workers of God."
But how can any nation possibly combine constructive efforts with a superpower that is so deluded about its systematic criminality?
In his address, Obama referred to a host of wars, flash-points and security problems. He mentioned Ukraine, Syria, the Israeli-Palestinian deadlock, tensions in the South China Sea, North Korea's nuclear weapons, alleged Iranian nuclear ambitions, Middle East instability, racism, sectarianism, fundamentalism and ISIL terrorism.
In front of the world, Obama had the audacity to blame Russia of "attempting to recover lost glory through force" by purportedly threatening Ukraine, the Baltic region and Europe.
"After all, the people of Ukraine did not take to the streets because of some plot imposed from abroad," claimed Obama, in a breathtaking denial of how the US and European Union actually destabilized the country in 2013-2014, leading to a CIA-backed coup d'e'tat and an ongoing war in eastern Ukraine.
In virtually every conflict cited by Obama it can be factually counterposed that US intervention has played a critical role in unleashing hostilities and tensions with a death toll exceeding millions of victims. Yet all he would admit, with astounding understatement, was that the US has "made our share of mistakes" over the past 25 years since the end of the Cold War.
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