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House GOP #WhatUsGovern by DonkeyHotey
House GOP #WhatUsGovern by DonkeyHotey
The term economic terrorism is strictly defined to indicate an attempt at economic destabilization by a group. More precisely, in 2005 the Geneva Centre for Security Policy defined economic terrorism in the following terms:
Contrary to " economic warfare " which is undertaken by states against other states, "economic terrorism" would be undertaken by transnational or non-state actors. This could entail varied, coordinated and sophisticated or massive destabilizing actions in order to disrupt the economic and financial stability of a state, a group of states or a society (such as market oriented western societies) for ideological or religious motives. These actions, if undertaken, may be violent or not. They could have either immediate effects or carry psychological effects which in turn have economic consequences.
(Shamelessly Borrowed from Wiki)
Pursuant to H.R. 3210 Terrorism Protection Act and
H.R. 3004 Financial Anti Terrorism Act of 2001
I respectfully submit that the criminal acts of this Congress are causing grievous irreparable damages to our economy and therefore our Nation.
Administered by the Treasury this act provides for Executive Decree and subsequent arrest of the Members of Congress who blatantly disregard the welfare of this country.
A legislative body is not constitutionally permitted to decide which laws they wish to fund. Period.
National Emergencies Title 50 Chapter 34 1631 provides for such Declaration of National Emergency by Executive Order
Terrorism Title 18 Part 1 Chapter 113B 2339A is the statute defining the breach.
Titled: Providing Material Support To Terrorists in Financial Transactions.
Make no mistakes, This is an attack on our government. To allow this to go unchecked invites more of the same.
Mr. President, I call upon you to exercise your authority and respond in kind to this attack.
I would also like to point to Title 18, Part 2 Chapter 201 " Rewards for Information Concerning Terrorist Attacks & Espionage. "Determination of Entitlement" Whereby my statements are reviewed and I am compensated for pointing out the glaringly obvious.
Once again, if we do not act, the terrorists win.