It's Church Night, seekers of truth! Tune in tonight to find out which legislator thinks women should carry stillborn fetuses to term because, y'know -- cows do it.
And, hallelujah, one Christian University is rejecting the Affordable Care Act in the name of the Lord!
"Belmont Abbey, a private Catholic Christian liberal arts college located in Belmont, N.C., became the first institution, in 2011, to sue the federal government for an exemption from the HHS mandate that requires institutions to cover contraceptives, abortifacients, and sterilization procedures in its insurance for employees.
"'We cannot go against our faith, and we are not going to do it,' said Thierfelder in an interview with WND. 'We will never accept something that is antithetical to what we believe. I think all of us have to have the commitment the martyrs [had]. Not that we are going to be martyrs, but we have to have that kind of commitment. Sometimes the faith is bolstered by persecution.'"
Amen and Amen! Jesus was opposed to healing, wasn't He? Um...No? Am I getting confused again?
Speaking of Christian Campus Life, there is a war on naughtiness being waged in colleges across America. The Family Research Council isn't content with waging war against teaching evolution in public schools; now it seeks to eliminate all discussions of s-e-x from college campuses as well.
"Fighting 'Porn in the Dorm' -- as the FRC called their Family Policy Lecture on the subject -- is an uphill battle. A 2001 study conducted by scholars at Texas A&M revealed that, while 56% of men admit to using the Internet to access sexual explicit materials, 72% of college-aged men readily say the same. Recent figures show higher percentages of porn site subscriptions in zip codes with a great density of young people and those with undergraduate degrees.
"The prevalence of porn on campuses hasn't defeated Dr. Patrick Fagan, Director of the Marriage and Religion Research Institute and Wednesday's speaker. An Irish former grade school teacher and trained clinical psychologist, Fagan has worked on family issues in Washington with organizations such as the Free Congress Foundation, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Heritage Foundation. His controlled tone, combined with the hum of the FRC's air conditioning and free Potbelly's sandwiches, lulled the audience of about 40 young professionals into a comfortable mid-day trance reminiscent of Sunday school.
"'Our teenagers today cannot know what is natural sexuality,' he said, citing a UK study frankly titled, 'Basically' porn is everywhere." Fagan compared modern American society to 'pagan Rome,' claiming that the proliferation of sexual deviancy in our country is a direct threat to the 'people-forming institutions' of family, church, and school. He considers the matter of paramount importance to civilization as a whole. 'Sexual intercourse, like atomic energy, is a powerful agent for good if channeled well, but for ill if not. Healthy societies maintain their stability by channeling the sexual energies of young adults into marriage,' says his 2009 paper, 'The Effects of Pornography on Individuals, Marriage, Family, and Community.'"
Pornography ... it's everywhere! So are hate crimes, and bigotry, and war crimes, and poverty, and all manner of hideous social problems. But we must spend our time and money on a war on sex.
Hallelujah! That makes sense!