I will as briefly as possible attempt to do exactly that.
The new GOP understands this concept. They tell their paranoid narrative in simple terms and supply the faithful easy talking points and explanations that give them an easy target for their hate and fear. They employ the simplistic David and Goliath tactic, complaining that "the man" is against them...they whine and play the victim card when caught lying... which in the case of FOX or people like Limbaugh or Breitbart, is every day. So they claim all press is the "liberal press" and when their racist tactics and language such as calling the President "tar baby" or "boy" is pointed out, it is that damn "liberal press" again.
Let me start by explaining that I understand that the Democrats are complicit in the economic meltdown. Too many Democrats are exactly like the Republicans, they only care about re-election and are willing to shaft working Americans in order to keep their job. Some, like the "new" Republicans are even willing to buy into the lies. Thank god there are some who have real values and are true patriots.
It is important we understand the enemy (and yes, I consider them an enemy of America). This 'new' GOP is a fusion of a few greedy corporatists who want to create a plutocracy, manipulating angry, ignorant working people looking for reasons for the changes and hardships they fear. These are the people who love to expound about the Constitution and socialism, while having NO understanding of either. These are people easily manipulated. Unfortunately it is also the home of a significant number of racists, who although for different reasons, also want to destroy the President.
If President Obama was a bit more savvy, he would have pushed back immediately on the Koch bros./Frank Luntz "socialism" , "big government takeover lies the Teaparty screamed for over a year...he should have educated the public as to what is really in the healthcare bill. Instead he sat by timidly and allowed the kill granny lies to take root. If he had dug in and fought for us, bought the public along with him, many of our needless political battles could have been avoided. Maybe if he wouldn't have caved before the healthcare negotiations even began, and given away the single payer option, things would be drastically different.
The truth is, the President had the House, the Senate and the American people on his side and allowed a loud, ignorant minority and a few corporate thugs to control the agenda. They have done everything they can ever since to block recovery.
It seems to have taken the President a while to figure out that ANYTHING he proposes, no matter how fair or smart, will be opposed by the corporate fat cats who fear ANY regulation or even the possibility of paying any taxes and their stooges the "hell NO" GOP. The Tbaggers of course only want the hated black guy out of 'their' white house, so are willing to go along with any excuse to hate him.
Democrats must learn to frame the debate in simple terms and be willing to draw a line and fight. Right now, the President's Kum bay ya, let's all be nice, naive approach has emboldened the Tea Party, which is why they are willing to refuse to negotiate....they are confident the President will cave...again and again. They are hell bent on bringing Obama down and if that means putting Americans out of work, or even destroying the economy... they have again proved they are quite willing to do so.
Even a few honest Republicans (a rare breed) such as Alan Simpson have called out the Tbagger led Republicans for their dishonest tactics. Simpson and another Republican senator, Tom Coburn, have called out Tbagger icon Grover Norquist on his stunningly foolish 'no tax pledge' which almost every Republican has signed, as being idiotic and "deceptive" since it protects loopholes and subsidies for things like ethanol, which even Norquist has admitted are "unsustainable".. Simpson called Norquist "a damn liar".
Another Republican, Transportation secretary and former GOP senator Ray Lahood, says he is amazed that the GOP has attached a rider to weaken unions to the FAA funding and simply left town, which will cause the loss of SEVENTY-FOUR THOUSAND JOBS! This political game will cause the loss of 200 MILLION dollars A DAY! ALL THIS WHILE THEY COMPLAIN ABOUT OBAMA NOT CREATING JOBS! Once again, the 'new GOP' proves they are only interested in winning political games and unconcerned about the damage caused to working Americans. However the quick response by the media on this terrorist tactic I believe will force the GOP to quickly pass a temporary funding, since even they realize this latest thug tactic of taking jobs and recovery hostage in order to bust unions, will cost them dearly if they persist.
For the President and Democrats, It is simple. TELL THE TRUTH! Employ the KISS method... keep it simple stupid! Here are the points Democrats should hammer Republicans with, over and over.
At a time when corporations are reporting record profits and enjoying the lowest taxes in modern history, Republicans fight to lower them further and pay for it by cutting services for seniors, the ill, children and vets.
The GOP loves to TALK about working people and vets, but never seem to find a way to actually support them. While working Americans suffer high unemployment and rely on social programs like food stamps more than ever, The simply chant their lie that cutting taxes for the rich will eventually create jobs (although it never has) and push to cut social programs that help average and poor Americans.
The proof is completely obvious to anyone interested. It is a simple google away. Fox has won Politifacts "lie of the year" for the past two years and is the main source of information for tbaggers. No surprise with a crook like Murdoch calling the shots.
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