Greece must consider a fire sale of land, historic buildings and art works to cut its debts, two right-wing German politicians said today in a newspaper interview that is bound to exacerbate tensions between Athens and Berlin.
Alongside austerity measures such as cuts to public sector pay and a freeze on state pensions, why not sell a few uninhabited islands or ancient artefacts, asked Josef Schlarmann, a senior member of Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats, and Frank Schaeffler, a finance policy expert in the Free Democrats.....Source: Guardian.co.uk
So here is the scam being played out right in front of our eyes in Greece. The ruthless and vicious game is to bankrupt nation/states and then to sell off their assets to transnationals. This is all being financed by the banks, of course.
But we must remember that the banks are the very ones that caused the global economic collapse. Thus the banks that got bailed out with taxpayer money will use that money to finance the buying of the people's land and infrastructure.
It's a good scam that will likely work.
We see the same call for the sale of public assets and infrastructure here in the United States and also in Great Britain. We see this scam being implemented in the sale of public roads, buildings, prisons, resources, and whatever else the government can con the people into selling.
So here is the brutal truth.
The massive banker fraud that is crippling the economies of the world was an economic hit to finalize a total fascist takeover of the world.
I know that is a breathtaking statement and maybe beyond most people's understanding, but it is obvious when you look at it.
What we are witnessing in Greece is a taste of things to come for the rest of the Western economies. Nation States are being bankrupted by the theft of their wealth by the financial class that own the politicians. People all over the world are made to believe that it is their public infrastructure and social benefits that is bankrupting their economies. In reality, it is the financial bailouts, unregulated monopolistic markets (globalization), and corporate welfare that is bankrupting their economies.
It is time for citizens to quit being brainwashed consumers and to open their eyes to their plight. What is left of the wealth of the people and the public ownership of their country is being stolen in a grand fascist bankster scam.
The plight of Greece and the proposed corporate sell off of that beautiful country is the future that we are seeing unfolding here in the United States and around the world.