Truth is, those, like Cheney and Trump who seek omnipotence through the potential power of the presidency, have raped, of, by and for the people, and left it profaned in the gutter, clinging to whatever shred of Exceptionism Franklin challenged, we keep.
So, should we desire to save both girls and boys from the razor burn of, traditional masculinity, perhaps it's time to put away childish things and shake off the dust of bigoted men.
Better we share the Deep Blue of America's female future than be repeatedly devoured by the marketing sharks of Madison Ave, K Street, Wall Street and Social Media herding people with blind faith in those for whom we are merely dollar signs. It's not Capitalism, but Deal no Deal Wanabes, needing high walls to hide lowest places in the heart.
Let us now listen for the whispers of reason beckoning us to follow the path of probable truth, to possible wisdom:
- Both Buzz-Feed's report and Mueller's rebut bear witness
- Russian spy Maria Butina seals together forever GOP and NRA
- Men like Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan, following Cheney and GW examples, will one day seek neither to be seen nor heard again, because of the courage of women marching from the streets to seats of power
Aware of the commonality of dishonest and twisted political twins Boris Johnson, from across the pond, and an American president who would gladly drown America in the Volga River seemingly oblivious to the Trump family gaining the whole world, is not his iso-profit line, let us eject the pretender.
While the whole world is watching, without subjugating itself to the whims of the self-serving arrogant, love it or leave it residue of trumped conservatives, we, in alliance with #MeToo, #NeverAgain and yes, NATO, can resurrect the America that unites nations in a state of Parisian perceptions, Canadian courage and European unity.
This week, while continuing to focus all Americans on the value of all humanity, let's be particularly mindful that the ratification of The Equal Rights Amendment is still kept at arms-length by the sexism of only two men in Virginia's House of Delegates: Kirk Cox and Mark Cole, who like Mitch McConnell can, and do, suffocate the power of legislative voting, by keeping women in their man-made place
Remembering we've been settling for rhinestones, since our 2017 inaugural of America First infamy, I Have a Dream betrayal and presidential treachery - cherish since 21 January 2017, each Women's March has proved, America will never go away again!
It was a 100-degree bright sunny day in Times Square, when I noticed a woman, obviously using her choice of chapeau to hide her face, while trying to get a cab. Sensing it would be a mistake to startle her - though I did I nonetheless approached close enough to whisper, I'd be happy to get you a taxi Miss Channing.
Following a momentary start, she whispered in that unforgettable voice, oh, would you? Securing a yellow rolling air-conditioned miracle, and helping her inside, she asked how she could ever thank me. My mother, a huge fan would be thrilled to know I kissed the hand of Carol Channing. Without a beat, she extended both, adding, here kiss them both.
Before our Republic was Franklin's, if you can keep it, our immigrant ancestors were welcomed by first responding natives, in thanksgiving.
However, since collectively inspiring Burdick's and Lederer's, Ugly American, we have made all physically unlike Pence and Cheney, suffer the, Vice of indigenous, racial, financial, sexist and gender violation.
Let's restore: celebrate the lives of Carol Channing and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, by honoring the cultural descendants of Wounded Knee, Harriet Tubman, Japanese-American Internment Camps and, like Alice Paul, stand tall, before the parade passes by, for Dreamers, women and all who believe the American Dream, like justice, is for all of God's children to keep America, still going strong.