Republicans have done a fabulous job of conning
the voting public into believing that WWII got us out of the depression.
A video clearly demonstrates that it
was actually President Roosevelt's progressive economic programs that he began
in 1932 that did it. Those policies benefitted our country for the next 50
years. They not only got us out of the Great Depression, they helped us create
the biggest and most vibrant middle class in history.
Then, in 1980, Republicans began reversing the
process--and began the decline of the middle class. A chart of three variables
since 1930--the national deficit, the top income tax rate, and the top
inheritqance tax rste--indicates what political policies create debt and which
policies reduce debt.
The major conclusions: When government reduces
taxes on those benefitting most from an econdomy, the deficit increases. When workers' wages
stagnate or decline, to the point where many don't make enough money to pay
taxes, the deficit explodes.
When government has a progressive tax on those benefitting most from society, the deficit goes down. When workers' wages are increasing, and they pay more taxes, the deficit goes down.
You can watch the video and get the chart by going to "Government
stimulus, not WWII, got us out of the Great Depression."