(OKLAHOMA CITY) Congress finally passed the Economic Stimulus Bill last week with only three GOPer crossover votes in the Senate, zero GOPer votes from the House.
The GOPer opposition strategy is obviously to obstruct, obfuscate and obliterate as best they can any legislative or administrative bill the GOPers don't like or can't take credit for.
I think this is taking the idea of the opposition party to a new extreme. After eight years of spinning the Bu$h Junta in their favor, the GOP is definitely on a trajectory that will send them out of our solar system.
According to the Tulsa World of February 18, 2009 the new stimulus bill is expected to put as much as $1.9 billion into Oklahoma and save or create up to 40,000 jobs. (http://tinyurl.com/dbpc2t)
Seeing as all the Okie Congressional delegation, which is GOPer except for Dan Boren in Dist. 2, voted AGAINST this stimulus bill which clearly benefits Oklahoma, shouldn't all the money and jobs go to Dist. 2 and be withheld directly from the rest of the state?
Wouldn't such an arrangement demonstrate the "trickle down" economics that the Reagan-nite GOPers are so proud of and so insistent that such trickles of run-off is what the USA really needs?
The other four Oklahoma Congressional districts would then have a chance to be economic guinea pigs and, once and for all, clearly show the 66% of Oklahomans who voted for retaining GOP leadership just how ineffective GOPer bait-and-switch economics really is. In other words, GOPers can put their money where their mouth is.
Just think--Had the Oklahoma GOPers prevailed and the stimulus bill failed, these same GOPers would be denying the rest of the country any benefits from the resulting Federal spending so why shouldn't this Federal money be denied to the districts that voted against it?
If the Okie GOPers think it's not good enough for the country then it's certainly not good enough for their own state! GOPers clearly want their vindictive political cake and eat it, too.
So what is a good GOPer trickle down economic diehard going to do for the next four years while they're in the minority? As they tout rumors about Obama's citizenship, the Democratic agenda, and the waste of helping blue-collar workers and American industries, where can they turn for succor in the wilderness?
Bryan Lower at Grindstone Journal (http://tinyurl.com/ad4f3f) has written that as Canada was the refuge for progressives in earlier decades, now Oklahoma is the new Canada for GOPers and assorted regressive haters of all kinds.
Oklahoma is the reddest state in the union with ignorance and prejudice prevailing in every county and 66% of the vote going for McCain/Palin. The only thing prospering in Oklahoma is ignorance.
So far, Oklahoma's borders are still open despite the passage of a bill in the Oklahoma House ( http://tinyurl.com/c36tbf ) re-asserting the importance of the Tenth Amendment ( http://tinyurl.com/by47x ) which is being used by the GOPers, Libertarians, John Birchers, and other states's rights advocates as a shield so they can continue to deny the economic reality they helped create--the reality of a financial and banking industry working like a ponzi scheme, duping millions of American workers and retirees out of their IRAs, savings, pensions, and even their homes.
Running for cover to Oklahoma, the Right Wing swirls like effluent to a drain. As comedian/pundit Bill Maher said recently the GOP is like a stalker --the more they're rejected, the more aggressive they become.
Is Oklahoma going to be the sancutary for the Bu$h Junta in exile? Is Oklahoma going to be a time machine living the years of 2000-2008 over and over in a video loop?