"Public service". To serve the public. Republicans, you refuse to do that so you're DQed from Congress. Get out of DC. Just go.
Yeah we heard you. DC is the most messed up bubble of people who don't know what's happening in the "real America". Except that you want to pretend you don't know what's happening in those towns you represent. When was the last time we heard you say something intelligent about helping the poor, sick, or downwardly mobile people in your district? That's right, never. Click your heels, already, and hark to the heartland.
I went back to DC, but my city was gone,
There was no aspiration; just a shutdown.
The common good had disappeared; no policy debates.
My city had been taken down, reduced to nihilistic hatred.
Hey ho, way to go, right-wing-o.
(My apologies to the Pretenders)
Then there's that climate that you
pretend not to notice is changing.
A/C addict, it's cost us tens of billions of dollars to pay for 401 - count 'em - recent climate-related natural disasters. Forget the apocalyptic scenarios in the lifetime of those kids you pretend to love; Sandy, Rita, Katrina have already done their damage (so unfair, they should be
named after climate deniers). Your solution? Shut down cap and trade and refuse to pass a straightforward carbon tax, thanks to that evil tax pledge. Hot, dangerous, and destabilized? Your plan for the Middle East; your promise to America.
Congratulations, dipsticks, for basically causing a major terrorist attack and freaking out the world. Imagine Al Qaeda doing $24 billion worth of damage to the USA to prevent a law being implemented to help Americans. "Bomb those terrorists who hate democracy," you'd say, and do it too.
And have you looked around and noticed the poor people in your towns? Probably not, they aren't schmoozing at those prime rib fundraising dinners (though they might be taping your next speech). Almost half the country lives in poverty or is low income. More than half the kids in public school are poor; the states above 50 percent are
almost all Red States, Repubhead.
As for gun violence. We're
worst in the developed world, with about
20 times more firearm related murders than its average. But we can learn, right? Countries like Scotland and Australia had tragic shootings too, then they took action. Instead you backflip into votes that kill gun background checks after your colleague Gabby Giffords and 20 little kids are killed. Tell us again how you're pro-life.
What about regulations? We thought we'd never have to hear your "free market" and "capitalism" rants after the financial banks evaporated $25 trillion from asset prices worldwide, BP trashed the Gulf Coast, and the Big Branch mine collapsed on 29 workers. Your corporate contributors are looking a lot like our own worst enemies.
And too bad that "democracy" you love to export doesn't start at home: 13 percent of African American males (24 percent in swing-state Florida) are disenfranchised. But few of you speak up for them or fight the voter ID laws that can keep millions from the polls in search of the "voter fraud" boogeyman.
The shutdown may be over but you still have my country's neck under your jackboot, jerk. Let go.
From a kid's book: "Imagination isn't perfect " But imagining being someone else, or the world being something else is the only way in. It is the machine that kills fascists." (John Green's "Paper Towns"). You want to make my city a paper town with no value on the humans you represent. You imagine -- and make real -- a system that takes money from most Americans to fund the hyper-luxurious lifestyles of the rich and the bottom lines of companies. Fill the public in on your plan, and go home.
Sayonara, cowboys.
Veena Trehan is a DC-based journalist and activist. She has written for NPR, Reuters, Bloomberg News, and local papers.