The GOP says that "liberal special interests" picked Obama, saying,
"The liberal special interest money machine is already rallying around their presumptive nominee.
Big Labor, Trial Lawyers, and other radical protest groups have pledged to spend at least $750 million to defeat Republicans and elect liberal Democrat Barack Obama president. "
What a surprise. They attack him for being a liberal. Funny thing is, there aren't many progressives I know who consider Obama a progressive. Even the liberals I know don't see Obama as particularly liberal. And I don't think he would "own" being liberal. But there it is. The GOP will be calling him liberal and villifying his supporters. What a surprise. They go on to say, in a fundraising letter,
These leftist special interests expect payback in the form of passing their tax-and-spend, ultraliberal agenda if the Democrats seize complete control of the government. And since he is the most liberal member of the U.S. Senate, they know Obama will succumb to their demands.
Then they ask for money, and continue on, laying out their narrative of the Obama campaign:
We already know Obama's vision for the future:
- Implement massive tax increases that punish hardworking American families in order to pay for new government bureaucracies;
- Government takeover of our health care system;
- Sit down for talks in his first year with tyrants like Cuba's Castro and Iran's Ahmadinejad without any preconditions; and,
- Raise the white flag of surrender in the war against radical Islamic extremism and cut off funding for our men and women in uniform.
We cannot allow a return of the high taxes, big government, and weakened national security style of governing Barack Obama embodies.
It's tired, it's old, it hasn't worked in the last three house races. No wonder the GOP is smelling liked burnt toast. What a losing, visionless team. No wonder they will be eviscerated in November.