20. In general, is your opinion of the Republican party favorable or not favorable?Favorable: 28 percent
Unfavorable: 58 percent21. In general, is your opinion of the Democratic party favorable or not favorable?
Favorable: 57 percent
Unfavorable: 32 percent
In case this spread weren't telling enough, with the Democrats being viewed more favorably than the Republicans by over a 2-to-1 margin, consider this: As bad as the political environment has been for the Republicans over the past four years, it's only getting worse. That's right, worse. The GOP's 28 percent favorable rating is the lowest ever measured by The Times in 25 years of polling. Don't believe it? Check out the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll (.pdf), which also finds the Republicans at an all-time low.
Electoral politics is a zero-sum game. And while it may be the case that the situation isn't great for the Democrats -- and I'm not necessarily buying that premise -- what is clear is that the Republicans continue to slip to new lows within the electorate, which can't be bad for the Democrats.