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Hundreds of thousands across the US joined the worldwide rally against biotech giant Monsanto and genetically engineered crops. It comes shortly after the Senate turned down a bill that would allow states to require the labeling of GM foods.
Organizers of the major rally that swept through dozens of nations around the globe on Saturday, urge a repeal of the so-called Monsanto Protection Act, and call for a boycott of Monsanto products.
Participants in the March Against Monsanto were also demanding the right to know what they're paying for and what their children eat. The protesters called for labeling of GM foods, which they say could pose a danger to human health, and demand further scientific research of such products.
RT covers the protest which is getting a mainstream media blackout, with RT's Anastasia Churkina -- who as at the heart of the protest march in New York City -- one of dozens of American cities that are staging protests against Monsanto.
"According to our estimates there are over 2,000 here," she said. "All these people have gathered here today to speak out against this giant biotech corporation that for years has been accused of manipulating and corrupting farmers throughout the world and monopolizing the agriculture industry."
Chants "#Monsanto, how many people have you poisoned today?" fill NY streets in #MarchAgainstMonsanto
In Washington DC, a crowd of marchers gathered in front of the White House waving banners and posters.
Meanwhile, the US-based seed giant maintains that its seeds improve agriculture since it helps farmers to produce more from their land while saving resources such as water and energy. At the same time, Monsanto said on Saturday, they respect people's rights to express their opinion on the matter, AP reported.
A company that made agent orange now makes our food...not cool. #marchagainstmonsanto to keep it natural and healthy please
Initially a small movement, the March Against Monsanto campaign turned into a global event with millions of participants in over 50 countries thanks to the efforts of activists and social networking services.
These folks NEED to be told WE THE PEOPLE won't accept your frankenfood #marchagainstmonsanto
Over 500 people marched through downtown Anchorage, Alaska, bearing signs with slogans like "I'm not a scientific experiment" and "Demand GMO Labels."
Hundreds flooded the streets of Florida calling on the US government to stop lobbying for biotechnology giants.
Thousands protested near the Sacramento State Capitol in California. The event featured magnificent traditional Aztec dances.
Meanwhile several hundred activists gathered in Dallas chanting "No more lies! No more greed! We don't want your toxic seed!"
Hundreds of protesters took to the street in Los Angeles and marched towards the City Hall carrying signs with messages such as "Label GMOs, it's our right to know" and "Real Food 4 Real People." Rallies and colorful events were taking place all across the city until 5 pm.
Marches against the biotechnology giant Monsanto have taken place in 436 cities across 52 countries this week with an estimated total number of participants standing at over two million, the organizers of the global event said.
The People are speaking. Are you listening? #Miami #MarchAgainstMonsanto
A bee "die in" outside of Monsanto lobbying headquarters in Washington DC today. #MarchAgainstMonsanto #MAM #M25 http://
#MAM hundreds march against Monsanto and GMOs in Anchorage, Alaska