Bipartisan neglect deserves severe public rebuke and a groundswell of America voter support for change. The NY Times has exposed that for 30 years both parties, essentially, left the American people unprepared for the COVID19 pandemic. It has now caused about 53 million American infections including taking about 838 thousand lives (World Wide, 280 million infections, 5,415,000 deaths.) When did a war among humans ever take near so many casualties? See the Times article "Beneath a Government Debacle: 30 years of Government Culpability". For perspective, let's note that COVID19 is far from the most lethal virus known (so far.) Marburg and Ebola, for example, killed anywhere from 22% - 88% of those infected in outbreaks.
The degree of culpability reveals a vital vulnerability: the solicitous, helpful Laissez Faire nature of Republican and Democratic dominated federal governments (It doesn't matter which!) Individuals and families general welfare is completely disregarded to support corporations. Oh, But "Covid was an act of God." Nope. Our elected politicians on the federal level had a documented record of struggles by health officials to contain outbreaks of "Hot Zone" super contagious and severely ineffective viruses starting with Marburg in 1967 and Ebola, 1976.
It's long past time that We the People demand a reorientation of priorities for policies and expenditures of our federal government. Since "advanced" nations reached the barbaric "mutually assured destruction," they now need to be wrenched away from feeding the Military Industrial Complex from basic research in physical sciences all the way to weapons making. They need to be wrenched away, against intense bribery of Republican and Democrat officials, toward funding environmental, particularly virological and climate change combating infrastructure.
A groundswell of Americans demanding a Constitutional Amendment would be a start. Such an amendment might add, either to the oaths of office or the voting on appropriations that the President and Congressmen must accept the advice of authoritative, nonsectarian national panels composed of qualified, eminent scientists in physical and biological sciences as opposed to individual political advisors. We need to force this on our rulers by sate by state referenda. To accomplish this it would be highly desirable to first get our petitioners to understand Modern Monetary Theory's new perspective toward incomes policy. The federal government could guarantee, with manageable inflation, that no one employed would, during the transition, lose the first, say, $100,000 of earned income.
(Article changed on Dec 28, 2021 at 11:08 AM EST)