The world seems to be inching towards another world war that could have cataclysmic consequences. Unless one has an ostrich-like attitude and keeps believing that everything will settle down soon, the writing is on the wall for everyone to see. The US and the NATO nations believe that the present world order should be preserved at any cost, presuming that it is in the best interests of the world as a whole.
Russia and China seem to believe that an alternate world order deserves serious consideration. This difference in perception between the two sides, is the root cause for the current conflicts especially in Ukraine and in Israel/Palestine. While politicians have their own reasons for persisting with their mindsets, they have in fact built a mental trap around themselves and are compelled to keep thinking along the established lines.
There are others who wonder how to make these politicians realize the mental trap into which they are caught. There are also many people who raise a hue and cry if anything is suggested as a sensible alternative. Deep within most people know that a peaceful compromise between the differing sides is in everyone's interest, but to reach that state the deeply entrenched mindsets need to be overcome.
The only way to come out of the mental trap is to accept the age-old dictum of good living, which is to 'follow the heart, not the mind'. This is equally true for the ordinary person as well as the hard-core politician. "Forget about what kind of world order should prevail and reach out for the feeling of peace and wisdom that resides in the heart." It is that simple.
Let the world develop on whatever lines the future beholds; there is no need for clarity about this. But let there be clarity about the imminent tragedy that otherwise awaits the world.
It is never too late for breaking mental barriers and reach for the heart. Peace beckons.