efficiencies and development of industries usually result in higher
standards of living. Accounting and financing economic programs among
people can secure the development. We cannot forget like development and
economy are replete with value.
We should remember here that the
development can never reach the ideal of 100%, since there is always
some waste or defects. As an example, consider agriculture productivity.
That also resulted in cheaper food, better health, and more worker time
A significant measure relating to changes is economic
productivity. It is an important thing because it indicates whether more
and more people are expended to economic development a given output of
goods and services. Development and economy must be focused on with
sufficient competition, lower prices to people.
This means more people
can buy the food. The rise and fall of the populations and their incomes
over the unemployment, war, terrorism and costs. In spite of this
shortcoming, we can track it regularly and watch it carefully as an
indicator of economic progress. Of course, people who can make similar
or substitute products offer lower prices to achieve sufficient
Economy can be converted from one form to another, which is vital to life and work. But securing economic growth is not easy because of depressions, terrorism, wars, poverty, unemployment, resource depletion, product substitution, and more.