Afflictor.com ? donald-trump-pointing-an-angry -finger_376777 (1)
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The sun beams down on a brand new day
No more welfare tax to pay
Unsightly slums gone up in flashing light
Jobless millions whisked away
At last we have more room to play
All systems go to kill the poor tonight
"Kill the Poor" - Dead Kennedys
Well, just what do you say to a night like that?
I don't remember being this disheartened -- this afraid -- since 1994, when a ball-headed hater named Newt Gingrich rode a right-wing revolution into Foggy Bottom, their horses spurred on by an irrational fear of a man named Bill Clinton. Fear of his government healthcare. Fear of gays in the military. Fear of his cheatin' heart.
Fear, primarily.
And those were bad days, to be sure. Crazy, strange times when we didn't know what those stuffed shirts were going to try to do next.
The Contract on America. Whitewatergate. The sight of a sitting President having to claim that no, he did not have sex with that woman, even when anyone with a brain knew we'd elected a serial philanderer into the White House, but considered the rest of him -- the best of him -- a far better alternative than the stumbling, out of touch goober he'd replaced.
The second impeachment in American history, leaving a tarnish on what we can now all agree was, all in all, a good 8 years for America.
But good only because, for all the things that were broken then, there was at least some give and take. The Republicans couldn't get everything they wanted done accomplished with a Democrat in the White House. And even if they had removed him, well, there would have been Al Gore.
And he probably would have won in 2000 with a few years in the Oval Office under his belt.
Elections have consequences. Political decisions have consequences. The things you say, both on the stump and on the job, and even on your way out of office, have consequences.
I fear we are going to reap a lot of very bad consequences for what happened, last night.
What happened? Let's just be clear: America voted out of fear, and it shows.
Fear of the other, primarily. Fear of what lies outside. Fear of a nation that doesn't resemble what you want it to look like.
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