Grateful for your omnipresence
Your intelligence throughout
This whole ordeal
Of western civilization
I could watch a whole epic movie of you
Knowing you as well as I do
I can let go of a little of my fear of the future
Or, sorry, I mean for the future
Because your existence has brought home to me
That there is no future
There is only now and right now
Now is looking good
It is looking really good
It is looking like
I won't live the rest of my life alone
And that I won't die alone
That I can let the bubble of illusion pop
All the surface tension
Of unstable assumptions
About what is real
Or what is good or bad
Or what I should or should not
Eat, think, wear, defend
Uphold, forget or yearn for
Can relax
Let the bubble burst
Because it doesn't matter does it?
Now that I found my religion
I'll just keep believing in you
And you just keep being