Now that Bernie Sanders has endorsed Hillary, it's clear that the FBI, through its director, James Comey, has, like the 2000 Supreme Court that coronated George Bush, gone rogue, making an unprecedented decision that grossly influence the political, democratic process.
The decision the FBI made had the effect of insuring Hillary would become the 2016 Democratic candidate. For any ordinary citizen, or government employee, Hillary's actions would have led to indictment. The decision to give her a pass was a decision to influence the 2016 presidential election.
The 2000 Supreme Court decision to coronate George W. Bush as president was an historic atrocity of democracy. This FBI decision will similarly go down in history as another nail in the coffin of American democracy, in favor of the elite and the plutocracy.
I call this an FBI decision, not a Comey decision because the whole organization is full of employees who did not stand up and dispute Comey. That's not surprising. The FBI filters hirees to weed out independent minded people in favor of passive who are willing to be dominated by authoritarian dominators. Someone could have stood up and challenged Comey.
Of course, this was done in collusion with the DOJ. This was made easier by the fact that Loretta Lynch, DOJ Attorney General, was already a member of the Clinton Camp. It makes me wonder if her meeting with Bill Clinton was planned to be publicized to set things up so she could take the stand she did.
Unlike the 2000 election, this decision does not insure Hillary will win, but there are so many other ways the system is rigged, it is highly likely that when the electronic votes are "counted" Hillary will be declared the winner. Of course, that could change if the GOP somehow finds its sanity and figures out a way to finesse Trump out of being the GOP candidate. That will probably doom Hillary.