2020 could be the year, an event like 1932 when Republicans became strangers to public office. It could and should happen again. Let's review, Republicans did their level best to destroy Obamacare because denying the poor and the sick health care is a part of their philosophy. Asked to show their own version of healthcare Republicans stammer, "It's not ready yet, wait and see it will be wonderful." The simple bare boned fact is they have no healthcare plan and that is their healthcare plan.
Republicans have no education plan or infrastructure plan or energy plan. Republicans only have two plans, war for aggrandizement and tax cuts. The party that creates secret prisons overseas to deny suspects basic human rights has no respect for human life. Tax cuts for the wealthy and poverty for the poor. Build concentration camps and separate migrant families by putting children in cages that's their plan. What's their plan for climate change? Ignore it deny it and put industry hacks in cabinet level positions and change the way we report the facts.
The Republicans are a cynical farce, they have no vision. Greed isn't vision it's vice. Republicans get elected when voters don't turn out on election day. They rub their hands with glee when it snows or rains on election day. They do their best to jerrymander districts and they love to use wedge issues. "If you elect Obama, he's gonna take all your guns away! He'll let transsexuals run the Pentagon and he'll let Gays adopt children." Anti, anti, anti, anti-people, anti-healthcare, anti-constitution and anti-American.
You see, the Republican Party is pro-life. They believe in the sanctity of life. So, when they send thousands of American soldiers into Afghanistan and Iraq, they're pro-life. I mean, isn't it obvious? When they attempt to cut food stamps, they're pro-life. When they attempt to cut Healthcare, they're pro-life. When they cut school lunch programs, they're pro-life. Funny thing, when they try and overturn Roe versus Wade even the very best jerrymanderer in the whole of jerrymandering world hasn't figured out a way to jerrymander a district not to contain at least 50% women.
2020 is the year to make Republicans extinct. Mitch McConnell looks up from his tortoise shell and sees the meteor a comin. Devin Nunez could be the new monorail conductor at Disneyland Ted Cruz could join the space pirates as Gilligan on the SS Minnow. In 1932, the Republicans were repudiated and in 200 days we had a new economy, a new philosophy and a New Deal. The very idea after forty years Republicans are still trying to turn back the clock on women's rights ought to appall you. Their philosophy for the human race is F*CK everybody and let them all die. They don't give a sh*t about anyone but their own.
Overthrowing Roe versus Wade won't end abortion and the Republican's know it. It will end safe abortions for the poor and women of color. Their daughters in Montgomery or Vestavia Hills and their girlfriends in Gulf Shores will board a plane to Canada and be back home on Monday. Denying reproductive rights to the very people they accuse of having babies for profit. In 1969, the world population was 3.1 billion people in 2019 it's 7.7 billion and before you can sneeze it will be 8 billion. Okay, we've done the be fruitful and multiply bit, now let's try the stop and be sane method.
No one is having abortions for fun it is traumatic event and not something anyone wants repeated. The cynical sickness of men telling women what they can do with their bodies when after men put them in the situation is ideology right out of the middle ages and based primarily on the Gideon's Big Black Book of Fairy tales complete with genuine leatherette cover. The Constitution guarantees me religious freedom so why are laws based on a Biblical hodgepodge translated through half a dozen languages? If you don't believe in Abortions don't have one! If your book's agin it follow your book! The right to swing your arm stops at my nose. We've heard two years of complete and under Bullsh*t but when you use women's reproductive rights as a campaign strategy, You're finished in this country.
The Republican Party is a naked bankrupt old man with a crutch going up stairs. The louse in the White house is a symptom not a result. It's time for a new sheet of paper. This is 2019 and the American people will not tolerate the Christian Taliban and their disgusting tutelage. If they want to believe in wizards and witches and sticks turning into snakes that's their problem. But when they want to emerge from their tax-free Bingo halls and tell anyone how to live their lives. I say Enough!
You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately... Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go! - Oliver Cromwell
The Republican Party, the party of slime and the party of crime. The party of teaching morals they never learned themselves. The party of the poor will always be with us. The party of if you can't find a job it's your fault. The party of burn the planet to a cinder for a profit. The party of Ketchup as a vegetable. The Party is over.
"[Women need to
realize that with] what they have in their hands there is no limit to what they
could accomplish. The trouble is they let the capitalists make them believe
they wouldn't be ladylike."
"- Mother Jones
The brontosaurus is extinct and so the Republicans should be, but it's alright to miss the brontosaurus.