Friends, there are rare moments of clarity when we the people can see through the veil of illusion designed to condition us into docile inaction. For that reason this may be the MOST important alert we will ever send.
There was such a moment this week, when Senator Max Baucus, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, having already preemptively excluded any participation of a credible spokesperson for single payer health care, laughingly joked "we need more police", when one qualified doctor and lawyer after another stood up to protest their exclusion from the debate.
Single Payer Action Page:
THAT was the real Max Baucus, a contemptuous corporatist, who is as likely to voluntarily bring forward a real people's health program as Dick Cheney is likely to voluntarily testify under oath. Perhaps you have already seen the video clip (it is on the action page at the link above), of him trying to laugh off consideration of single payer health care. But you can force Max Baucus to do it anyway, by submitting the action page at the LINK just above this paragraph (NOT, REPEAT NOT, the "Sign Petition" ADVERTISEMENT which may appear to the left just below).
And it is not just Baucus, the whole Senate panel erupted into riotous laughter. Even the so-called "liberals", like John Kerry, who was anxious to get in his own wisecrack about "Is there anybody in the audience who didn't ... uh ... come to ..." [3:35 on video], before it finally dawned on Baucus how incredibly bad this would look on video, as he interrupted Kerry, to try to resume projecting the usual phony concern and compassion.
And THAT is why we need you to submit this action page now, the REAL action page, the SINGLE PAYER action page, which you get to ONLY from the link so designated below:
Single Payer Action Page:
PLEASE BEWARE, there is a MASSIVE industry sponsored astroturf campaign going on right this very instant. If you are reading this on a web site, even a progressive one, this very page may be wallpapered with slick banner ads calling for a "balanced health care debate" or "fair health care" or "affordable healthcare", and it is one of the most deceptive "petition" actions we have ever encountered, asking you to sign on to a HIDDEN agenda, WITHOUT even disclosing what you are actually signing on to. "Fair and balanced health care". Where have we heard an expression like that before?
In the words of the AP itself, these industry groups are trying to strike a preemptive deal with Obama "in the hopes they can stave off legislation that would restrict their profitability in future years." In other words, to KILL single payer health care, which would give the American people the REAL savings (estimated for us at 350 billion per year) that the people of every other major industrial nation already enjoy.
By stark contrast, our action page tells you EXACTLY what you are signing on to, the stated subject line in red and in quotes on the action page "Put Single Payer Health Care On The Table Now", and the action page below sends nothing else in your name but that AND any personal comments you wish to add.
Single Payer Action Page:
Not only does the action page above send your message in real time to all your members of Congress, it ALSO turns your comments into a actual pdf file and sends it as an attachment DIRECT to the Senate Finance Committee, meeting all their restrictive requirements to make it part of the permanent record. There is NO other action page anywhere that does anything even remotely like this server process coding miracle. We know, because our programmers worked many hours in the middle of the night to make it happen.
And most of all, please understand that of all the huge lies that they have told us, there is ONE lie at the heart of them all. Lies like they were going to end the war in Iraq, when they had no intention of doing any such thing, when the plan has always been and REMAINS to keep at least 50,000 troops in that country until the end of time, that they were going to do something to help struggling homeowners, when the plan both with the last administration and with this one was always to loot the public treasury for trillions of dollars, a massive transfer of wealth to the Wall Street con men who caused the whole financial crisis in the first place.
We could go on and on, but there is one lie at the root of them all.
Do you know what it is?
The mother of all lies. The lie they use again and again to keep us from bringing about real change. The biggest lie of them all. Bigger than "compassionate conservatism", bigger than "the war on terror", bigger than "weapons of mass destruction", bigger than "the trickle down theory", bigger than "torture keeps us safe", yes, even bigger than "looking forward not backward" or "change we can believe in".
(Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher).