If the US under the presidency of Hillary Clinton even approaches direct war with Russia, I here give my word that I will be an open subversive traitor to this US because it will have forfeited any ethical claim on my loyalty. I will do everything in my power to subvert the war effort and I will pay any price whatever it might be.
Evolution demands that we now be beyond the kind of nationalism or patriotism that allows psychopathic power-lust to make use of us for its evil ends that are of no benefit to humanity and are of real and present danger to humanity. If there is any evidence of movement toward war with Russia I will do everything in my power to bring down the US government even if it means losing my life. I will be an openly declared enemy of the US.
There are many ways to attack a government structure and I will become proficient in as many as I can. If anyone says to me, "How dare you speak in such a manner about the government of your country?" I answer, "How dare the government of my country threaten me and countless others with meaningless evil destruction for the most shameless and corrupt of ends?" I will not stand by and let it happen. My loyalty is to Truth and the enemies of Truth have no claim on me. If my country honors Truth then I honor my country. If my country is the enemy of Truth then it is my enemy.
Evolution or Hell. I go in total devotion with Evolution and will follow no one into Hell. Nothing will move me from this position. Here I stand and here I stay until death lays me down. And in death I will still be the enemy of the enemies of Truth. It is too late for mere talk. I have given my word and here I stand.