There have been many thought-provoking articles in the alternative news lately. Robert Reich says all current members of the Democratic National Committee should resign so that we can have a new democratic party. Noam Chomsky says, "Trump's win puts government in the hands of the most dangerous organization in world history." Bill Gates has argued that we need socialism to save the planet. Robert Scheer says this [the election result] is "the revenge of the deplorables." Chris Hedges exclaims in, "It's worse than you think" that "Widespread social unrest will ignite when Donald Trump's base realizes it has been betrayed."
One article said, "George Soros is paying protesters to scream and yell in Chicago." Paul Craig Roberts wrote an article entitled "The Anti-Trump Protesters are Tools of the Oligarchy." Since I have gotten emails from socialists groups (who definitely do not support Hillary Clinton) urging me to participate in various local and national protests, I would say that the protesters are a mixed bag.
Everyone who is very displeased with both Trump and Clinton for different reasons should work together to take all money out of politics. We can give a voice to every political party that garners one percent of the voters, and, in the final months of any presidential and legislative election, we can choose among the 7 largest political parties in public televised debates. All TV and radio political advertisements should be outlawed, as we implement public financing of all elections.
Imagine how much more interesting the recent presidential election debates would have been if they had included not just the Republican and Democratic parties, but the Libertarian Party, the Green Party, the Constitution Party, the Socialist Party, and the Communist Party. We could have a more informed citizenry if all the major parties could be represented. People could then actually vote their conscience, and not the lesser of two evils.
Large numbers of people are now realizing more than ever that the Electoral College method for electing a president has to go. Later we can think about implementing proportional representation in a unicameral national legislature, as the undemocratic US Senate is eliminated altogether. But more amendments and ultimately a new US constitution will be required to truly rectify all the wrongs in our political system. But first, let's equally empower and give a voice to the seven largest political parties, and not just to the Republicans and Democrats, as we take all money out of politics. Can we work together to do just that?