I am pro choice on abortion, pro the right to die with dignity, pro decriminalization of most intoxicating drugs, even though I truly wish that no one would ever use them. I believe we should have a social safety net so that no American ever goes hungry or homeless. I am open minded about a Canadian style single payer health care plan, because it would eat up less of our Gross Domestic Product than private health insurance and cover all of us. I oppose all foreign wars, all foreign aid, all foreign military treaties, and all foreign entanglements.
You might think I will vote for Barack Obama and my local Democratic Oregon Congressman, Peter DeFazio, in the upcoming election as a lesser of the evils choice. The truth is, I will never vote for either of those two gentleman, because neither of them nor any nationally known Democratic Party politician I know of understands energy policy in the slightest. Even most Republicans don't understand energy policy, but some Republican politicians, including Mitt Romney, do at least understand the difference between affordable and expensive, efficient and inefficient, concentrated and diffuse, and reliable and unreliable. That is all you need to comprehend to understand that Barack Obama's feel-good energy ideas are dead wrong.
Most Democrats seem to be genetically wired to only understand energy symbolism, hollow words like "hope," "green," and other crowd pleasing, vote getting slogans. If you actually understand what you are doing, you do not need vacuous propaganda. Our economy, our nation, our basic human survival requires us to produce abundant supplies of very low cost energy. Otherwise, our economy and our currency will eventually collapse to the point that there will be no money left to fund Social Security or any other beneficial social programs. Government does not create wealth, it can only distribute wealth it takes in from taxpayers. If taxpayers no longer have wealth of their own, there is no wealth to tax and distribute by government.
Neither President Obama nor Congressman Peter DeFazio understands the value of free economic choice. They want everything mandated by government. Americans should be able to buy the energy products they want, without forced at gunpoint mandates and subsides that distort the energy marketplace. Without government intrusions in our free consumer shopping choices, there would be no global biofuel disaster that has killed tens of millions of innocent people worldwide through malnutrition, that has increased greenhouse gas release and water pollution, and that is eroding away our quickly dwindling supplies of precious topsoil, without which our children and grandchildren will starve to death. Without government mandates and subsidies, there would be no monstrous industrial windmill projects killing birds and bats by the millions and damaging the health of all animals who live near them through destructive low frequency noise. Without government mandates, solar panels would be used to power pocket calculators and weather stations, not for large scale energy production.
Both Obama and DeFazio have blocked oil production, and using oil is far more friendly to the environment and the human race than their government mandated biofuel schemes. Does hip and trendy Peter DeFazio still believe we can replace oil by planting marijuana, thus turning industrial hemp into ethanol and biodiesel? Congressman DeFazio once told me exactly that in an email.
The real truth is that even if we used "every piece of wood on the planet, every piece of grass eaten by livestock, and all food crops, that much biomass could only provide about 30 percent of the world's total energy needs." - Dr. Timothy Searchinger, Princeton University
Obama's government subsidized and mandated windmills and solar farms are a ridiculous waste of taxpayer money that anyone with a modest understanding of math, physics, and economics can see will never work. Renewable energy has become a religion, and like belief in God and Heaven, this false hope cannot be destroyed by reasonable analysis if the cult member in question does not want to hear the real facts.
The math for renewable energy schemes other than hydroelectric and geothermal power does not even begin to add up. We cannot survive as a nation without the very high energy density available in fossil fuels, or in their only possible large scale replacement, some form of safe nuclear power. There are half a dozen possible safe nuclear choices, the top two contenders being liquid salt thorium based fission nuclear reactors that are many hundreds of times safer than the old, dinosaur light water nuclear reactors that caused so much damage in Japan. Better yet, the ideal energy source is close at hand, and that is called Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR). This new technology is being researched and developed by NASA, Boeing, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Honda, Toyota, National Instruments, Defkalion Green Technologies, Brillouin Energy Corporation, and by many others, both in public and in secret laboratories in China, Japan, Korea, and elsewhere.
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