Could it be the sense of real freedom and justice beginning to sprout after lying dormant in so many people's fertile and ready minds and hearts? Was it the oppression they are under? The shortage of food and jobs? Being broke?
The saddest thing that comes from all this is that, while American media spoke about the Egyptian people's right to demonstrate, and how this could be the "era" of a new Egypt, one with freedom and perhaps "democracy," they, and most American's along with them, completely miss the fact that much of the U.S. corporate government (and their allies in the corporate and military complex) is as bad or worse than the Egyptian government, but in much subtler ways.
This same government defending Egyptians and their right to freedoms and to be heard, has been consistently ignoring the will of the people, and NOT addressing our own grievances on multiple fronts. What hypocrisy.
How is it that the U.S. example of freedom and rights, wealth, justice and truth has become such a third-world example? With this mentality we now apparently have, how can we escape a third-world's present experience and poverty?
We are to be the example for other nations, and now they are screaming to us to make OUR stand against similar tyranny, and we completely miss our own hypocrisy. It is Americans that should be demonstrating in the streets. It is the American people who should be demanding the resignation of this alleged President and his policies of destruction, oppression and unlawfulness so many Americans embrace. It is all of us that should be demanding justice against the corrupt, greedy banksters, the Federal Reserve and the agencies of government that are daily oppressing... stealing, killing and destroying... our people, and that of other nations.
What is wrong with us? How can we all be glued to the TV watching Egypt break away from their bonds and chains, and yet, remain in our own... literally cleaving to them like a child and a security blanket. Have we lost all elements of courage, justice, strength and belief of our founding "parents" that we have only fear remaining, or cowardice having us lick the hands of our masters... those we hired to serve us?
How twisted and wrong have things become? We should applaud Egypt's people for finally making a stand of solidarity. We should respect Egypt's military for standing with the Egyptian people, willing to defend them if necessary, and yet... where is the U.S. Military in all America's unlawful tyranny here? Where are those who swore an oath to defend us all against enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC, enemies we clearly have in high places of power?
How can the greatest military in the world turn a blind eye to the unconscionable, unethical, immoral, treasonous, unlawful, unjust and perverted practices of so many in the present U.S. corporate government?
How far we have strayed. How far we have descended the steps from greatness, wealth, abundance and honor, to being a shame to ourselves, our international brothers and sisters who have been depending on us, and to the giver of all we possess, the true God. We have turned our backs on the all for comfort, greed, sloth and apathy, all-the-while embracing our own prison and chains ever more closely.
We've embraced the Patriot Act, Home Land "Security," and all the violations of our rights and freedoms since the false flag attack on 911. We allow ourselves and our children to be groped, poked and prodded in airports under the illusion of safety and security, not realizing we are simply cattle being manipulated... massaged to believe and accept this "for our own good."
We allow law after law to be passed that are not only unconstitutional, but support the continued downward slide into fascism. We allows "laws" that control every aspect of our lives by a government that has overstepped its bounds by 95%, usurping authority outside its confines in Washington DC, but also stealing our state and individual sovereignty... all without even a whimper from most of us.
Is it any wonder that so many American businesses, and individuals, have moved, and are moving daily, out of this country? Our finances are being stripped from us, our lands and properties being stolen in forged and fraudulent foreclosures by the banksters (with the U.S. corporate government supporting it), and collusion between banks and our county property tax offices.
Our right to clean, healthy and nutritious foods is being hijacked by laws (Senate Bill S 510 Food Safety Modernization Act and others snuck under the table) supported and paid for by large corrupt and perverted companies such as Monsanto, Cargill and others... all in a ploy to "protect us" from dangers. This will only lead to worldwide famine and death of billions within 10 years.
America has fallen! America is still falling! America cannot survive without our own renaissance... our own awakening from sleep, shedding fear and doubt, and taking back freedom from the beast system we have allowed to exist. This isn't "taking over" this corrupt government. It IS stepping OUT OF their jurisdiction with a simple choice to step INTO the original Republic which most have abandoned through slow attrition, and acceptance of Federal "encroachment."
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