At least, Obama is actively pursuing change towards a more sustainable technological future, and for that he should be commended and encouraged to go further into helping us all transit out of the age of fossil fuels, monopolies and valueless currency.
If our energy sources were fully-supplied and paid for by the most wealthy, who hold 98% of the world's wealth--utilizing technologies that already exist, which extract the overabundant energy from the vacuum of space--, all of humanity could free itself from the use of fossil fuels and eventually also the burden of the monetary system.
Entropy monetary system
These suppressed technologies, like cold fusion for example, allow for independence from all fossil fuels and are environmentally safe, unlike nuclear reactors, where time and earth changes can weaken construction putting everyone and our planet in danger, as we all know from the recent disaster in Fukushima, Japan. Although nuclear power continues to skyrocket in cost while renewable solar energy costs decrease, monopolies prefer investing in the resource with the most profits, often derived from a natural source, and heavily taxed thereafter. Their profit is the energy they can provide to consumers.

Introducing these suppressed technologies would cause an economic collapse of existing dominant energy companies if they became publicly available, effecting especially the most wealthy and the fossil fuel industries, some of whom, such as T. Boone Pickens, have began to transfer their investments into common renewable energies, in order to ensure continued financial profits from freely-available natural clean resources, like wind and solar. Consumer costs cover fees for the power grids; and if the trend continues towards renewable technology, the only change consumers can expect are less environmental dangers, but the price of utilities are expected to increase due to inflation from a valueless currency. This means simply a transfer to clean energy technology is not going to save us economically.
"For the consumers, it is wise to invest in wind and solar now while the money has a pico amount of real value in the consumer price index," stated Prater of Cavetronics R&D Energy Labs .
The article "Privatizing World Climate Affairs?" explains how the world's energy is currently in the hands of private corporations that control geoengineering plans to establish wind farms, which have the potential to alter wind patterns, such as the Earth's jet stream, due to the concentration of wind turbines used in wind farming. Yet, as our fossil fuels rapidly disappear, the implementation of renewable energy has rose again in popularity.
Prater, Consultant for Environmental Management programs for community development, advised that "Residential use of wind turbines minimizes climate threats, as these units are more sporadic and randomized that coincide with the environment. Therefore, a suggested government-funded program to provide all citizens solar and wind units for sustainability would help our country which is its' citizens. We need sustainable energy resources available to enable us to free ourselves and become more abundant as a society and as a world working together."