We're growing a few kinds of kale in our garden. It's doing really well and, so far, we've eaten more kale than anything else in the garden. I really like to put kale and arugala, also growing in our garden, on pizza. So I'll go out to the garden and pick enough Kale and arugula for my slices. (Pizza is one of the essential food groups, right?)
But there's a problem. I'm not the only one to like kale. There are some bugs that also like it. So there are holes in the leaves, and in some places, what look like worm trails. I don't want to eat from the same spot that the bugs have eaten and I definitely don't want to eat where worms have left a trail. So, I wash the kale and then I inspect it and basically tear the parts of the leaves that have not been eaten or traveled through. I pick and choose the segments of the leaves that I eat.
Kale and arugula that's been pruned out on the top. Kale and arugula I'm going to eat below
(Image by Rob Kall) Details DMCA
Then, and only then, do I put it on my pizza.
Two slices of pizza, one with kale and arugula, the other with kale, arugula, banana peppers and sriracha
(Image by Rob Kall) Details DMCA
I do the same with the mainstream media.
There are some people who attack anyone who cites an article from the New York Times, CNN, MSNBC or the Wall Street Journal. And the attacks can be pretty nasty. But that would mean those attacks also apply to me.
There are people who say that the mainstream media can't be trusted. And there's no way the that the MSM should be trusted on everything they put out. But I do my kale thing with the MSM. I take some of what they offer and prune out or in the case of the MSM, ignore other parts.
The reality (REALITY) is that the big MSM have the resources to commit to in-depth, deep research and reporting, funds that not many other sites have. Of course the MSM sells out its readers to serve the government and corporations.
So garden kale, MSM, MSM, garden Kale, with both, you pick and choose. It's not like you have to digest the whole thing.
And that's where the alternative media play such an important role. They raise questions. They challenge the official MSM narrative-- the one that's approved by the powers that be. Today, I think it's a mistake to just ignore the MSM. The trick is to be smart about using them. I mean, even Fox and MSNBC, the polar extremes of the MSM, do better than monkeys on typewriters sometimes.
I'm curious. Have you completely written off the MSM-- CNN, NYT, WaPo, MSNBC, FOX, etc? I haven't. There are still some good people and good articles there. It's dangerous to outright trust the MSM, but if you go to them, looking for the bugs and the parts
How about you?