I know a bit about deportations, as the entire European branch of my family was deported, mainly to Auschwitz, in the early years of World War II. Only one couple survived, and they managed to get to Brazil and open a business in Sao Paulo. The rest of my European family went up in smoke at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp. So, when I hear Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump advocate a Deportation Force to forcibly remove undocumented people from the United States, I shudder a bit.
Of course, one expects extremist and jingoist positions from Donald The Great, as they are his stock in trade. Donald Trump is a man who manages to bring out the worst in many of his supporters, and the worst in America as well. He would probably like the inspirational inscription penned by poet Emma Lazarus, and enshrined on the base of the Statue of Liberty, changed, to read: Send back your tired and your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free; Send back the homeless and the hurt, send back the aimless refugee; I douse my light of freedom at this shore.
To enforce his non-immigration plan, Donald The Great advocates two primary measures: A Gigantic Wall, and a Gigantic Deportation Force. That wall would extend along the border between Mexico and the United States, and would enhance the present fence with more barbed wire, snarling vicious dogs, armed officers, and perhaps a coterie of vigilantes who like to play with guns. That Deportation Force would attract all of the sadists and abusers who really enjoy treating people like garbage, with impunity.
Of course, perhaps the Deportation Force is also Donald The Great's plan to cure unemployment, while providing an outlet for aggression.
And there I thought the The Hunger Games series of movies were just fantasies; Donald The Great would help turn them into reality. Of course, my European relatives would probably have understood a Deportation Force, as they experienced the Nazi version of it. It is far too late to do anything to help them. I just hope and pray that it is not yet too late for America.
Author's Biography
Eugene Elander has been a progressive social and political activist for decades. As an author, he won the Young Poets Award at 16 from the Dayton Poets Guild for his poem, The Vision. He was chosen Poet Laureate of (more...)