With this past week's revelations of Trump's apparently strong connections with Vladimir Putin, there arises a call to recognize treasonous activity in the Trump campaign. Trump, himself, courted an invasive cyber attack on our country's confidential information by a foreign power. Just let that sink in for a moment. He invited a foreign power to hack our confidential servers for information that might help his personal campaign for the presidency. And he doubled down by suggesting both a media reward and a FINANCIAL REWARD to be given to the Russians for doing so. For some, this could be interpreted as treason compounded by bribery.
Treason is formally defined in Article III, section 3 of the Constitution as follows:
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against [the United States], or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court." By this carefully worded definition, it would have to be established that Russia is today an "enemy" of the United States, and at least in principle, that is going to be pretty hard to establish since we have left the Cold War behind. Sedition is another charge that could be levied, but it, too, is difficult to make stick in this case. However, this does not in any way excuse Trump's brazen attempt to actually use foreign espionage as a tool for his election. This is the latest unforgivable action in a long list of unforgivable actions by a candidate so very poorly qualified to lead this county or any nation, for that matter.
For all of his talk about not being beholden to financial interests like most politicians, Trump is apparently financially solvent today primarily because of significant contributions from wealthy Russian sources politically connected to Putin's government. You may want to let that, too, sink in for a moment. Trump is not without significant financial support. The banks have blackballed him due to financial improprieties. The Russians are the ones who have saved him. I ask you, why might that be?
Donald Trump is an aberration. His candidacy has led us to the brink of a horrible future rife with conflict, paranoia, xenophobia, racism, cultural disruption, and international disgrace. And that would perhaps constitute the BEST of possible scenarios if he were elected. The only question that remains is this: Are there enough intelligent people in this country willing to get off their butts and go to the polls to stop this insanity? Because insanity is what this is. Trump is a classic narcissistic psychopath (similar in this regard to a man named Adolf Hitler), and the world is in serious danger if he is elected president of this nation, a nation with, by far, the most powerful military in the world. And he is actively aligning himself with Vladimir Putin! With Putin pulling the strings, can anyone of good conscience STILL be a Trump supporter?
Think about the access codes for nuclear destruction in the hands of this person. Then devote yourself to getting to the polls in November. I don't care if you do or don't like Hillary Clinton, or if you are disenchanted by the political defeat of the Bernie Sanders campaign (as I am). This is about something far more important. For the sake of all of us, and for the sake of our world, please vote. PLEASE.