It would be crazy to say the Democratic Party has given up and is willing to hand over the presidency to Donald Trump and the MAGA Monsters. I don't really believe that, but damn, Democrats aren't trying very hard to win November's election.
Let's start with the Democrat's candidate for president, the incumbent Joe Biden. The party mostly agrees Biden has been a good president, and there is plenty of evidence to show that he has. But the 2024 election is about NOW, and is for the FUTURE, i.e. at least the next four years.

Is Biden the best candidate to take on Trump? Or can we do better?
(Image by ekaden from flickr) Details DMCA
Naturally, many Democrats are hoping Joe Biden will defeat Donald Trump in the November election. Sorry, but that will be hard to do. The problem is that President Biden looks, talks, moves and acts like an old man. Of course, that is to expected, because at age 81, he is an old man.
Donald Trump is old, too, but he appears to be considerably more energetic, motivated, excited and confident than Biden. It's sad to say, but Joe Biden doesn't appear to have what it takes to beat the sociopathic, habitually lying, immoral, and incompetent ex-president.
The polls since last year clearly show Biden is unpopular with most Americans, his age being the biggest reason. His mental and physical abilities are noticeably getting worse. Voters realize there is no way he could excel during his next four years as president. Trump, too, is unpopular in the polling. The majority of Americans are disheartened to see these two mentally declining senior citizens facing off for the second time in four years. Hell, everybody knows they were too old in 2020.
Making it worse, Biden is dug in and unwilling to hand over the reins to a younger, more articulate, inspiring Democrat, one who could motivate voters to march to the polls and overwhelmingly trounce Trump and his anti-democratic, angry, intolerant cult. Unfortunately, Biden appears to be putting his ego ahead of the needs of his country.
Biden may have tipped his hand during an interview with George Stephanopoulos eight days after the debate. As the interview neared its end, Biden was asked: "If you stay in, and Trump is elected, and everything you're warning about comes to pass, how will you feel in January?"
Biden said: "I'll feel as long as I gave it my all and I did the good as job {sic} as I know I can do, that's what this is about." Right there he pretty much admitted the outcome of the election mattered a lot to his legacy, while failing to mention the importance of the 2024 election to the future of the American people.
And if that wasn't enough, the typically accommodating Democratic Party felt the need to unilaterally halt their election campaign for a couple days after the assassination attempt against Trump. Meanwhile the Republican Party didn't halt their vicious smears against Biden and the Democrats during their convention and elsewhere.
Think, too, about the recent horrendous Supreme Court ruling allowing any president carte blanche to legally carry out any of his "official" duties, no matter how questionable. Donald Trump has and will take full advantage of his new presidential freedoms. This prospect scares many people.
It should be noted that these same opportunities are now available to all presidents, including the current one. What are the likely chances that the polite, honorable President Biden will use these new freedoms to his political advantage? If you say none, you are likely right..
Be patriotic, Joe, step aside and allow a younger, vibrant, charismatic Democratic to rescue our country from these unforgiving extremists. Time is running out.
(Article changed on Jul 19, 2024 at 6:35 PM EDT)